Love Story

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3 years ago

★★ A girl wrote a letter to her boyfriend from the living room ....

How are you ???

I am sitting in a room decorated with flowers for a long time !!

The whole bed is a rose

Decorated with, they may not know I don't like roses ......

The AC is running silently in the room ..

An atmosphere of suffocation,

The person he is married to is 18 years older than me.

Probably very rich

Seeing the condition of the house, it seems so.

They decorated me so badly! My heavy heavy jewelry all over my body.

Where are you right now? Surely you are sitting at that corner of your house .. ??

Well are you in too much trouble?

Remember, ???

How long have we been there?

Dreamed about this night? Do you remember how much I planned for this night?

But I kept saying don't dream too much .. you will see it will not be fulfilled.

And that's when you started questioning my love ... to say you don't love me or to break dreams.

Everything is fine

But they have made me like you ..

You wanted no one to be more beautiful than me today ....

I really feel much more beautiful today ..

You wanted to spend tonight looking at my face ... I wanted to too ..

However, if you do not want to be real difficult!

I found an ugly packet under the pillow.

And maybe someday a dream

Don't shake hands

But you don't have to break it down..everything will be fine !!

But you will marry a very beautiful girl .. you will be happy with her as much as you love me but you have to love her more than me ,,,,,,

And don't even think about me on your wedding day ..

You will see Jochna with him ... you can go around every day ,,,,,

Well, I will wake up early in the morning ..

I've been in charge of the alarm clock for a long time .. and how much ..

And you will always comb your hair .. I will fix it with my hands, don't sit again in this hope ..! ,,, You look very good, your forehead will have a much better girl than me ,,,,,, He will love you very much ,, ,,,, because you are so good ,,,,

And yes .. the last thing you told me was I love you or not? I don't know if I love you or not, I won't live without you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Do you know why I am more angry with you? ,,, I get more love from you when I am angry so I get angry just like that ,,,, How much do you do when you are a little angry so I get angry every day ,,,,,,, I love you so much Anger

I do ..... ,,,, and see how much you love me. Love of the same age takes luck to succeed .... You or I don't have that luck ,,,,, Don't worry about me ,,, Take care of yourself ,,,,,, Do everything right ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, But unfortunately the letter did not reach the boy because the boy had already died after hearing the news of the girl's marriage.

Salute the love,

Long live love

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3 years ago


wow nice article. please visit my article.

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