The earth made beautiful.

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3 years ago

The Earth Made BeautifulGen. 1:1-19; John 1:1-3; Ps. 33:9

We love and obey Jesus because He loves us. He showed His love by making the world. All the angels in heaven were excited. God was going to make a big, beautiful world. He wanted a wonderful place for happy families to live.

He wanted everyone to know that He is a kind and loving God. He and His Son Jesus carefully planned the creation of the earth. In the beginning the earth was covered with water. And it had no light.

Everything was dark. There was water and darkness everywhere. God looked upon the earth, and He said, “Let there be light: and there was light.”

The moment God spoke, light shone over the earth, driving away the darkness. “God saw that the light was good, and God called the light day, and the darkness He called night.”

Night and day! So the very first day was made. On the second day God made the air. Nothing can live without air and light. God knew how important fresh air would be for the plants and animals and people He had in His plan. And how did He make it?

God separated the waters that covered the earth as one big ocean from the water in the clouds which completely circled it and put air between. The Bible says, “He spake, and it was done.”

Just as He had made the light the day before, so He made the air. God knew that people would need land to build houses on and to grow food to eat. So on the third day God called for land to appear.

The water was made into lakes, rivers, and seas. Now that there was land on the earth, God could cover it with grass, trees, and flowers.

So He spoke again, “Let the trees and flowers and grass grow on the earth.” Just like that things began to grow!

There was soft green grass. There were tall, tall trees, tiny bushes, fruit trees, and berry bushes. There were all kinds of bushes and berries. There were pretty flowers growing all around. The evening and morning were the third day. But that’s not all God made!

God made the warm bright sun to shine in the daytime. And He made the moon and the twinkling stars to shine at night. He made the sun, moon, and stars begin to shine on day four. He made the daytime and night time on day one. He made the sky and fresh air on day two.

On day three He made the ocean and the ground, the green grass, tall trees, and good food. He made the sun, moon, and stars begin to shine on day four. God made all these things, for He knew that when boys and girls saw them they would think about Him. He wanted boys and girls to say, “God made my pretty world.

He wants me to be happy. God is kind. God is good. God loves me.” When you go for a walk or a ride in the country, or when you look out your window and see some of the pretty things God has made, you can say: God made my pretty world.

He wants me to be happy. God is kind. God is good. God loves me. Then you will want to thank Him for His love and kindness.

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3 years ago
