Top NFT/Crypto Safety Software to Protect Your Wallets

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1 year ago
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash



  • Revoke Cash is a program that allows you to monitor and revoke active token allowances for any of the tokens in your cryptocurrency wallet

  • Why Should You Use Revoke Cash

  • As more individuals use dApps, they gain more approvals for various tokens

  • Because these approvals typically provide unrestricted permissions, they might constitute a considerable security risk

  • It is consequently advisable to revoke no longer required approvals, which can be accomplished using Revoke Cash

2. Etherscan


  • A recent phishing tactic involves the hacker getting permission to spend tokens from the owner of a wallet address

  • Following approval, finances begin to dry up

  • If you are a frequent user of decentralized exchanges (DEX) or a degen, clicking Confirm on a pop-up like the one above may be routine for you right now

  • Using a DEX or joining a yield farming pool entails engaging with a smart contract that handles the majority of the work behind the scenes for you

  • However, before a DEX or a yield farming pool can do anything, it must first gain access to your funds, as a result, the aforementioned pop-up appears

  • Only once you provide the smart contract access to your funds will it be able to move your tokens around to perform a deal, stake tokens in a 1000 percent APY pool, or exchange a cool glittering NFT for a cute wiggly


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1 year ago
