Famous last Words

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3 years ago

Marie Antoinette, 1893

French queen, who accidentally trod on her executioner's foot as she went to the guillotine: "Pardonnez-moi, monsieur (Pardon me, sir).

Billy the Kid (aka William Bonney, Henry McCarty). 1881

American outlaw, before being shot by Sheriff Pat Garrett:"Who is it?"

Julius Caesar, 44 BC

Roman emperor, who was assassinated by conspirators, including Brutus, a man he thought was his friend. According to legend and Shakespeare, Caesar said: "Et tu Brute?" (You as well, Brutus?)

Caligula, AD 41

Roman emperor who was assassinated: "I am still alive!"

Catherine de Medici, 1589

Queen of France: "Ah, my God, I am dead!"

Douglas Fairbanks Sr, 1939

American film actor: "I've never felt better."

Joseph Henry Green, 1863

British doctor, after checking his own pulse: "Stopped."

Heinrich Himmler, 1945

Nazi leader, as he committed suicide by taking poison:"I am Heinrich Himmler!"

Captain Lawrence Oates, 1912

Oates was a member of Scott's expedition to the South pole. He was terribly injured from frostbite and went to his death rather than hold up his companions. When he left the tent he said, "I am going outside and may be some time."

Viscount Palmerston 1865

British Prime Minister: "Die, my dear doctor? That's the last thing I shall do."

Anna Pavlova, 1931

Ballerina: "Get my swan costume ready!"

John Sedgwick, 1864

American Civil War general shot by a sniper: "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance."

Lytton Strachey, 1932

English writer: "If this is dying, then I don't think much of it."

Queen Victoria, 1901

British queen: "Oh, that peace may come." (a reference to the war at the time in South Africa). "Bertie!" (her husband, Prince Albert).

H.G. Wells, 1946

English novelist, author of The Time Machine: "I'm all right."

Oscar Wilde, 1900

Opinions differ about the Irish writer's last words. Some people claim he said: "Either these curtains go/that wallpaper goes, or I do." Others believe he said: "I am dying, as I have lived - beyond my means."

How about you? If you die what would be your last word comment down below.

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

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3 years ago

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3 years ago