Hi to everyone I hope you guys have a good day I'll be sharing today some air balloon history and it's invention hope you like it
The first balloons worked on the principle that when air is heated, it rises. They were filled with hot air by burning things under them, such as paper, straw and will - and even old shoes and rotten meat! But the balloons are often caught fire and once the air cooled, they quickly came down. Soon after the first hot air flights, people realize that the gas hydrogen could be used instead. Hydrogen is the lightest of all elements - almost 15 times lighter than air. Gas balloons can also be filled with helium which is not as light as hydrogen but does not catch fire Soo easily. Most balloons today use hot air made by burning propane gas. This can be carried in cylinders, so is comparatively safe.
The first balloons flight
The montgolfier brothers, Joseph and Etienne, tested their first unmanned hot air balloon in the French town if annonay in 5 June 1783. On 21 November 1783. Francois Laurent, masquis d arlanders and Jean francisco pilatre de rozzier took of from the house De Boulogne, Paris in montgolfier hot air balloon. During this first ever manned flight they travelled about 9km in 23 mins.
First hydrogen balloon flight
On 1 December 1783, jacques Alexandre Cesar Charles and Nicholas Louis Robert made the first flight in a hydrogen balloon. They took off from the tuilleries, Paris, watched by a crowd of 4000,000 and travelled 43 km north to nesle in about two hours. Charles then took off again alone , so becoming the first ever solo pilot.
First British fight
On 27 august 1784 James tytler. A doctor and need paper editor, took off the home made balloon from comedy gardens, Edinburgh, He reached an altitude of 107m in a 0.8 km hop.
First channel crossing
On 7 January 1785 Jean Pierre Blanchard made the first channel crossing in a balloon with Dr John Jeffries (the first American to fly.) They also carried the first airmail letter. As they lost height, they had to reduce weight, so they threw almost everything over board - including their clothes! (Don't laugh pls)
First flight in the USA
On 9 January 1793 in Philadelphia, Blanchard made the first balloons flight in america. He took a small black dog with him as a passenger the flight was watched by George Washington, who gave Blanchard a passport permitting his flight, which was the first pilot licence and Americas first airmail document.
First non stop solo fight
Us millionaire and adventurer Steve fossett made the first bib stop solo and fastest round the world balloon flight, 19 June 3 July 2002.
That's all guys if there is anything that I didn't include just comment down below and I hope you guys like it keep safe and always sanitize your hands and wear mask
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