Work, hard work...

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Today was a very intense working day, which was characterized by a good part of strictly physical activity, with the lifting and moving of weights of various kinds, all these facts led to my reduced presence on the web and on this social in the specific...

If I had also had greater satisfactions from an economic point of view it would not have gone so badly, but working in perspective, in the sense of delivering goods and waiting for payments that were practically automatic only a few months ago, is not the best of life, also considering the fact that the amounts are very small, but unfortunately now it works like this, I don't know if it will be a fact that will continue forever, certainly it is a further difficulty, in addition to those that are already there ...

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Che fastidio quando è così...fai molto e ottieni poco, poi è difficile trovare gli stimoli giusti. Lo so che è difficile, ma non mollare assolutamente!!

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3 years ago

Grazie mille per il tuo prezioso supporto, caro Girolamo, mollare è un verbo che si deve sempre allontanare dalla nostra mente, soprattutto in periodi come questi, ma le difficoltà a volte sembrano proprio moltiplicarsi...

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3 years ago

Hard work is soo peace. because hard worker man always aspect one

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3 years ago

Working hard is very good and essential. Hardworking people achieve the best things, we all should emulate.

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3 years ago

Working hard is very good and essential. Hardworking people achieve the best things, we all should emulate.

Work ennobles man, when a person works he produces something that can be of benefit to all of us, it is one of those things that no human being should ever miss ...

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3 years ago

you should have written your articles in correct and proper format. please take note

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3 years ago

Sorry for the format in which I wrote this post, unfortunately I still have a partial knowledge of this platform, I will try for the future to be more careful ...

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3 years ago