Another rather heavy day...

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Even today it was hard to get to the front of the computer, it's been about an hour, or a little more, postponing everything to this moment, so now I'm a little worried, but above all tired, fortunately it's a tiredness that I can define in a certain sense as "positive", because if nothing else it has produced small results of active sign...

The only side that worries me a little is represented by the fact that my eyes burn enough, a symptom that there was also an eye fatigue, an anomalous fact because it is two or three days that I look relatively little at both the computer and the smartphone, I will pay close attention to the latter fact...

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In this kind of situation, you need to rest a bit before starting work on your system.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In this kind of situation, you need to rest a bit before starting work on your system.

Of course, you're absolutely right, the problem is that sometimes you don't have the material possibility to stop, you have to go on with your head down ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ma sei sempre con quell'azienda di cui mi parlavi l'anno scorso o stai facendo altro? Immagino che il periodo di chiusura non abbia aiutato il settore, per usare un eufemismo...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sì, sono sempre con quell'azienda, non è cambiato nulla nel frattempo, né in positivo né in negativo...

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3 years ago

Your article is very outstanding. Thanks for sharing this information. This day is going very happy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What a nice view you have a god looking photo and such god hand photographer you have nice and hood luck.

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3 years ago

Awwn, don't let heavy days, weigh you down, try as much as possible to stay positive, overall, great post, I really like it. Keep it up.

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3 years ago

Awwn, don't let heavy days, weigh you down, try as much as possible to stay positive, overall, great post, I really like it. Keep it up.

Thanks for the encouragement, I can assure you that I am trying to keep thinking positive, some days is relatively easy, others much less ...

$ 0.00
3 years ago