Family love is so great and important that it helps you resist the most intricate adbersities.

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3 years ago

Family love is so great and important that it helps you resist the most intricate adbersities.

There is nothing better in the world, or medicine that achieves what family love does,When you have that medicine, that food everything in life becomes more bearable. Family love gives you a very great imetu to keep going, it is the pilot to keep going, the brothers and the parents give you that necessary accompaniment to rub yourself together. When you have this love, life becomes more beautiful to you, the advice is more serious than those that a third party can give you outside the home, we cannot ignore that there are people who advise you in a good way but nothing better than Of your family. Because who else than your parents and your brothers to want the best for you, because they do not have a double meaning double purpose because they want to see you well because if you are they will be too, I am not saying that a friend or partner does not but out of every 100 you only have 1% in your favor in your favor, not because they are not on your side but because there is what is called envy, something that may exist in your family but at no time will a father, mother or brother do something wrong to harm you. That is why family love is the purest and most genuine you can have in life.

Every time I see my mother in bed, almost on the verge of death, I tell myself if she had not given us so much love, we would not be here and helping her to be well, now I realize that just as she dedicated time to give us her love when we were defenseless now it's up to us her children to do it with her when she is like a defenseless babylike a helpless baby, that baby that needs and requires love and affection that only can be achieved with love, not in vain does the family that is united remains united by love through adversities, although it is true that there are moments of disagreements and of not thinking the same between siblings and parents when there is love everything flows There is love, everything flows because understanding comes into play, if it is very true that not all of us think the same about a home in a family but if there is love and understanding, things flow....

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3 years ago
