The Best Advices are The One You Often Ignore

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1 month ago

One of the worst thing you could do if you aspire to create online income, is to take an advice from other people through online to heart and too seriously.

Let me give you a common example.

Finance gurus always has this phrase going on for them in their video's and article's title: "I'm rich and this is how you can do it too". There are several versions to it, but means pretty much the same. They looked legit, practical in some, and seems approachable.

The steps are simple and straightforward. Right?

And yet;

Success seems to elude you. Time and time again. Even though you followed their "3 simple steps" thoroughly.

Something is truly amiss. Its either you don't have what it takes to be successful, or are you listening to the wrong advice from the wrong people?

Wrong people?

We have a lot of Youtuber Financial Gurus telling you which stonks (meme stocks) and stocks to buy for upcoming bull run without having prior experience in buying the stocks.

Some are giving out Real estate advices even though they are not licensed to give out one. So on and so forth.

Let's be honest, I could tell you to buy stocks that is related to A.I development and you will be fine in the next 10 years. Chances that you will.

But that does not make me an expert in picking stocks? Nope.

I just simply look at what's trendy, and the mere trajectory of our technology advancement. Of course people are looking for something that is new and shiny to invest into.

It's not rocket science. But yet, that doesn't satisfy the hunger of people who wants to look for something that is more complex and "Profound".

"It sounds complicated, then it must be right"

Yeah, right. How's the investment in FTX fare?

As far as I know, there are very few TRUE financial youtubers with finance background. Even these people still get it wrong in critical times, who knows what type of disaster the "Fake" financial gurus will bring?

Again, how's the investment in FTX fare - following the advice of fake financial gurus.

You can try to search over the youtube on "How to" make money online and you will see some of them keep popping up.

The Youtubers will show you how much they are earning on the daily/monthly basis - claiming that you can be rich by doing so. Forever entrapping you into a loop of shiny things syndrome.

Something Fishy in the Mix

Great salesman never hides the truth, they just don't tell you all of it.

And it is by design.

Doesn't it struck you if its truly that easy to be rich, then why are the Financial Gurus on Youtube working so hard on their Channels and other social media presence? Why would they want to saturate the market that they are so obviously making a killing in? The best competition is no competition. But why then?

Simply, to convert your desperate attention into viewership that in return, gives them more ad revenue. If that is not enough, they would sell you their "One in a life-time" opportunity courses.

Even if these advice givers genuinely tries to help, they tend to overestimate their skills and forget to account for their "luck" and "leverage".

You might have 100% of similarities in Skills to the "successful" people, but chances are that your luck and leverages belongs in different plane altogether. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what dictates the outcome.

If it does not work, you have no one to blame but yourselves

And it is the ultimate truth. But the reason why is not what you think.

It is not "You didn't try hard enough".

It is your fault for taking these advices too seriously.

Not being aware of the fact, you'll find yourself consuming more of their advice, video by video and article by article. Constantly drowning yourself with the advices you can get online.

In the end, you blamed yourself for being inadequate enough. Only to fall back to the first step, forever repeating the one step of trying new shiny stuff while convincing yourself with;

"This time it will be different!"

Only to lead you down the same blocked path.

What's wrong though? You simply just listen to what you want to hear though, no harm right?

Personally I stopped myself from taking the advices too seriously and always with a pinch of salt after countless attempts of trial and error. Especially if I feel that those advices sounds like an echo chamber.

The older you get, the more you value your time. It felt like most of the advices that you follow has wasted a big chunk of your time. Although the years of scrambling through the advices teaches me more of what "NOT TO DO". Maybe that is much more valuable.

Apparently, I approached my problem the wrong way. Well, another story for another time. I digress.

I'm done with advices that beats around the bush

Truth be told, 99% of these online financial gurus themselves did not even earn as much as they say they do in the thumbnails and titles. And for a couple of good reason:

  1. It is hard

  2. Every online income stream making is lengthy process

  3. Some level of skills are required (regardless of the claim "NO SKILL REQUIRED")

  4. The market has been overly saturated

  5. Follow up to number 4: You are already too late to the game

  6. Some of the suggested business model requires minimum capital for start up for the best and efficient result

But, giving out the best advice (the one you do not want to hear) - will not bring high view counts to their online content. After all, that is one of the main source of their income, being from ad revenue and affiliate offers.

Hence the word "Quick, Easy, No Skill, Less than a Month, High paying, Free" are often used to attract viewers. The online financial gurus has less than any intentions to teach you something that can be very useful to you. If any, there's higher odd if they are applicable specifically for you.

On the other hand, the word "Hard" is hard to sell.

This is the reason why financial gurus tend to make it look easier - to allure you to watch their videos, read their articles, subscribe and buy their course. After all, pretense success sells like hot cakes.

Other example of the advice that I often hear:

  • Hire someone to do "x" for you.

  • Use these free/paid tool to help you

  • Imitate what the rich do

  • Listen to what the successful said

  • No skills required

  • It's free to start

  • Wake up early and start your day by meditating

What works for you, might not work for others.

Whatever different advices you often hear over the net and your friends. Kindly include them up there. Especially if you tried them, and it didn't work.

Its hidden in plain sight (If you choose to see it that way)

I must say this:

Not everyone has the same situation as yours, and able to imitate the luxuries you have. Success is different for every each of us. I aim for "enough" and then define what is "enough" for me. Some wants the world. Totally different. Then the advice should be different too, no?

There are less than 1% advices, ironically, available online that highlights this fact.

They are not popular, but does not mean its horseshit.

Some advice are too general, that it could set you back. These advices may have good intentions, sadly, the results often paint different pictures.

Just because the advices are true, does not mean its right for you.

That's ironic, considering I am giving one right now. Well, its more of me telling you my story. *wink-wink*

Being Comfortable with Uncomfortable.

The best advice are the ones that one do not wish to hear, and some of them may sound like this;

  1. You are not experience enough and It's hard to try to create income online, persistence are one of the key to get over the hurdle. Keeping at it come high and low.

  2. There are no shortcuts. Easy come, easy go. Want your success to stay longest? Earn it through the hardest way.

  3. You must admit to yourself that you are still lacking in skills, hence, the best way to get to your goal, is by sharpening your skills. The sharper you proverbial knife is, the easier it will get for you to cut through the hurdle. Join courses online - you can even find free ones. Practice, even if the end result is imperfect. Its still yours.

  4. It takes money, to make significant amount of money

  5. You will have to sacrifice something, to be successful in your endeavor (Fun time, money, more time, energy, sometimes relationships).

  6. Don't try to reinvent the wheel - you are not that smart to create new things. Often it leads to more time wasting and you giving up on your endeavor.

  7. Don't do too much when you starting, or ever. Sometimes its best to keep your interest at a minimum amount when starting. Expand once things are more stable.

  8. Just because someone can, doesn't mean you can. You have to understand your own limitation and desire.

  9. Following your heart too much will lead you deep into something that can be emotionally devastating. Doing something you're passionate about, will kill your passion. It's important to pace yourself when necessary.

  10. What you want and desire, doesn't mean its needed. It's good to have dreams and hopes, I'd say, keep dreaming. If you're not starting today, it might never happen.

  11. You need more of doing, less talking. Unless talking helps your endeavor.

Leaving you with this thought

Sometimes our own mom could give these advice and we tend to brush them off while replying to her "You know nothing of what I'm trying to do".

But, deep down we know that sometimes it is the right advice whether we like it or not. If your friends or family tells you that you might need to take a breather, it might be a good idea - before trailblazing again into your work. A fatigue mind is an unproductive mind. You know that's true.

Still, we are human. We are allowed to listen to any advice online (and not) - just take it with a grain of salt. You too can cherry pick them to suit your situation.

What other advice, that could potentially boost endeavor that you might be ignoring?

If you hear one that you felt like a drag, interrupt that thought, take a deep breath, rethink.


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1 month ago
