Your bank probably offers different kinds of loans. In return for a promise to pay it back with interest, they will front you some money for things like buying a car, and you can use the item as collateral, so the bank has something to recoup losses with if you don't pay them back. Since the bank needs people to deposit their money to use to give out loans and make a profit, they will encourage you to put your money in their bank by paying you a small percentage.
Investing in DeFi can be thrilling and risky. The value proposition of many of these projects has barely begun to be fleshed out, and many will sadly never make it off the ground. If you haven't lost money investing in crypto, you just haven't been here long enough! However, we can look at different possibilities and find an investment with a balanced reward to the risk.
Think about this: All the investment opportunities of real world markets with the stable profits of lending in a decentralized, trustless manner.
OpenDAO will facilitate DeFi liquidity for all kinds of assets from invoices to real estate. Businesses, funds, and individuals will be able to approach the protocol with an asset as collateral to receive a minted stablecoin. By holding the $OPEN governance token, you can have a say in additions to the protocol down the line, and you can earn rewards!
Essentially, you can use it like a DeFi bank to earn income from your savings with little risk of rug pulls or value collapse that affect many cryptocurrency projects.