The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 6 Review/Recap
Wow, an interesting episode for sure! The lone remaining doc at the CDC lets them come in. Something I found quite strange. Why let in a gang of people? They might kill you and take the place over. Also, he's called "Jenner" which is clearly a nod to Edward Jenner famous for his work to develop the smallpox vaccine. Nice touch.
He seems a great host. For the price of a blood test (I'm suspicious about what the blood draw is really for) he lets them in to his bunker (the CDC have bunkers, really?). And they proceed to get drunk and start assuming they'll be living there forever, in a lap of luxury! It does provide for a lot of comical moments.
The old guy as usual provides his words of wisdom, I like this guy a lot. I hope they keep him in the series for a while.
On another note, you can tell that they made many of these characters rather simple, local characters for a reason. It seems to give them a kind of innocent. This gang is not all city folk, not at all. Overall it's a mixture but you can tell it's intentional. I like it.
There's also a flashback from the cop's fellow cop. Turned out he was telling the truth, he tried to save his buddy (the protagonist) and even listened for a heartbeat and found none. He tried at his own risk in a dangerous situation and even tried to preserve his buddy's dead body from zombies. He's really cut up that the woman he fell in love can't return that love now that her husband is back. I do feel a bit sorry for him after watching this episode.
We learn a bit more from the doc about this infection. The person dies and is reanimated hours later. Also it turned out that this whole zombie thing has only been happening for a month, I thought it might be more like 6 months to a year but it really hasn't been that long.
Then my suspicions were correct, the doc was lying to them. Trying to save them as he ran out of time and the facility was set to self-destruct. In the end they make it out, I was surprised or maybe not surprised that a couple of them wanted out too, mind you in an apocalypse maybe it's not surprising some people would want to suicide out but they could do that anytime anyway, not sure why they preferred to be incinerated!
All in all a pretty amazing season finale, no cliffhanger but a very satisfying peak drama moment! 😀