The girl drowning

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1 year ago

I will try to write fiction today.

Erika a very messy girl with hanging dress. She came out of her room. She picked the ear ring from the jewellery box and threw it out. Her sister, exclaimed why you are not getting ready for college, you are already late to go. Even your room is messy moreover everything is sprawled in the room. Let me fix everything!

Erika screamed "Go away" I am fed up with my life. You are liar and you always betrayed me. Sister went out in distress, running so many questions in her mind.Erika is still screaming and crying. She dressed and go to college.

Erika saw him in the college and went towards him. She yelled on him and asked again "why you betrayed me just for the money? Why you threw me out of your life like people throw bee from milk. " Infront of her, her class fellow "maive" was standing and she was waving her hand Infront of her eyes. Maive asked "What happened you and who betrayed you for the sake of money?".Erika replied "o sorry, It was just an illusion. Leave the topic"

Later on, she drew novel from her bag and start reading it. She is so intense in reading that she collided with other student and when we entered the class she forgot to sit down because she was reading.

While she was dwelled in the novel and observing each and every nuance of it. Her eyes were tripping tears and tears were rolling down on her cheeks. Her head was over the book lying on the table with open pages and tears were making the pages wet. She was weeping. She uttered "but I will never leave you" Maive appeared and saw her condition that she is almost unconscious. She gave her glass of water. She drank water and start telling story to maive. Actually, Erika was considering herself as the part of the novel and she was telling the story like everything has happened with Erika. Maive made her aware that you have to live in this world , the real world. You are living in the world of novel. Please try to reconcile yourself and don't be quixotic. She wiped the tears and slowed down and completed the novel but she is still in love with the novel protagonist.

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1 year ago


You can write a book or novel, keep doing it 😊.

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1 year ago