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Avatar for lovejoie
3 years ago
Topics: Realization

August 15, 2021 - Sunday, just sharing some of my random thoughts for the day.

What can thorns do to person, Can it cause pains? or even worse, can it cause deaths?

Why do thorns hurt so much?

The plant thorn fragments cause a localized inflammation reaction in the joint lining tissue that leads to swelling, stiffness, loss of range of motion, and pain. The joint lining tissue is called the synovium.

Can thorns cause death?

Research by a doctor at Middlemore Hospital reveals that a small but significant number of people have died or been maimed by serious infections from garden rose thorns and other splinters. TVNZ newsreader Liz Gunn underwent surgery after getting a rose thorn embedded in her hand at the end of last year. (source: wikipedia)

Well, I am not really talking about the literal thorns from plants or even from some prickly animals. I am talking about the thorns that may cause a person loose it's sanity and even may lead to death if prolonged and If one cannot handle the thorns in their lives. Nowadays we are beset with much thorns all around us. I consider them thorns for they too like the thorns from plants inflicts much pain and suffering to people. One example of this thorn is the covid-19 pandemic with its other variants like the Delta which is now pestering and worse, killing people from all walks of life. We are now bound by these virus that even if we have not contracted it yet, the thought of having this may make a person go crazy. Specially when this is all you hear in the news and from the internet on a daily basis. The news is making so much publicity on this Delta variant. Nowadays I would rather hear what the Kardashians are doing rather than this Delta.... haha.

Then there are other thorns as well, Like the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Haiti yesterday. The Taliban's also captured the northern city of Afghanistan and they are on their way to the capital on the news yesterday, August 14th. Relentless wars on these parts of the earth.

Sicily may have recorded Europe's highest temperature in modern history at 119 degrees just this August 12. Greece had just experienced it's worst and most protracted heatwave since 1987.

In Norway, there were almost 100,00 salmon that died due to chlorine leak.

The Global warming last July which was the earth's hottest month ever recorded. United Nations now gives a stark warning on climate change, stating Code Red for Humanity. These are things we see in the news and so much more.

Now, here in my country, the Philippines. Our president declared a lockdown on the National capital region or NCR and other major cities from all over the country due to the Delta variant pestering us. So a lot of people now are just in their homes with no means of livelihood no income. We have the smog in our city and other adjacent cities as well brought about by the Taal Volcanoes and the Submarine volcano from Fukutoku-Okanoba, Japan. Kids and elderly are suffering from diarrhea.

My goodness! Is there not an end to this?? What would be next? We have not overcome the present and the Thorns we experience kept on piling and piling! We hear people complain just about everyday and everywhere.

Me, I always Look at the bright side of things. Because of these what I call "THORNS" people tend to be closer. We are now more family oriented. We became more kinder, more generous, we tend to be helpful more to the needs of our friends and neighbors. We became more empathetic. I think these are all just a wake up call to remind us, Humans, of what we truly are , of what it truly meant to be "Human Beings" We, the superior amongst all living things have the capacity to always combat and survive anything because we have the gift from God. We came from God and we are his beloved children.... We are all positive and good. So let us not forget who we are. Let us have and keep our Faiths unwavering. For Thorns will only hurt us if we go near it and if we let it In to our lives. Let us all pray collectively each day so our heartfelt positive prayers will eradicate the negative things all around us.

Blessed Sunday to all. Remember well-being abounds in all of us. You are Loved. We are blessed beings.



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Avatar for lovejoie
3 years ago
Topics: Realization


I say prayer eradicate all thorns sis. If only all people in the World will pray wholeheartedly to God, the creator, the Most Mighty, He will vanish everything that is negative. He can do it with just a snap of His hand.. let's not loose our faith in Him who is able to do everything.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

so many thorns indeed ate.. but we can rest assure that our God is still good...

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, with God by our side nothing could go wrong.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There are to many thorns in our life but we must focus to the positive sides even though it's hard. Ijust hope this pandemic will end soon

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thank you sissy.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

and you are loved too!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

wow! thank you dear. I needed that. More abundance to you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago