Why You Have To Be Positive

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3 years ago

Point of view

Nowadays we all live in a hectic world, driven by greed and the hunger for more, so it's quite easy to lose your way and get caught up in a never-ending cycle of stress and agony. We all strive for excellence and try our best to succeed, a cause that is getting harder and harder because in order to succeed you have to be able to be better than the rest. And so, we live life trapped in a repetitive pattern.

We all have goals and needs, and in order to be able to cover them we have to find resources. But guess what, resources are limited, and therefore there is only so much one can do in order to be able to cover their needs. Other people are out for the prey too, so you better be good at it, otherwise you are going to starve.

The cure

Your only weapon is your mind, and so you have to use it properly, and in order to be able to do so, you have to keep it open. Always be ready to accept new knowledge, even if it contradicts what you thought was real so far. After all, we are only human, so it's understandable if we have to change our minds depending on newly acquired information that proves that our previous beliefs were flawed. Humanity needs desperately more people who think this way and completely grasp this concept.

It is true that you attract what you emit, thus you have to always be positive and try to look at things from such a perspective. You can always change reality by changing the way you perceive everything that comes your way, and if you try to practice this as a habit, you will start to see clear manifestations of all the good things you ever wanted in your life.

It is essential to always keep in mind that our time on this realm is borrowed, and that no matter who you are, you won't be around forever. As a matter of fact, even the planet won't be around forever, and inevitably everything we ever worked for will eventually disappear into the emptiness of this huge Universe we were brought in. Even the most amazing achievements of our kind are condemned to completely vanish in the distant future.

This train of thought can take you to great places where you can find eternal piece of mind and unconditional happiness. It is up to you and me to start feeling happy today, right now, at this particular moment. Humans tend to focus on the things they don't have, and forget to appreciate all that they were given, be it their loved ones, family, health or even time, which is invaluable and can't be traded for anything in the world.

You don't need more

Even if you do manage to gather more and more wealth and material belongings, you will soon realize that this is not the answer to the questions raised by your soul ever since you were born. Material belongings can only bring a few moments of joy and instant gratification, but this sort of pleasure never comes with long-lasting effects, and therefore you are doomed to feel the emptiness inside after a short period of constant gratification, serving as a sign that you can't be happy with just money.

The greatest things in life can't be bought, and are fairly and evenly distributed among all people in the world. It is our way of life that blinds us all and makes the most of us unable to see the truth; all we really need is our health and loved ones to be truly happy. Takes only a few moments to realize this as soon as you've lost something you always took for granted, and it's the sad truth about today's society.

We are constantly taught and told that we need more money to be accepted, and therefore most of us tend to think that success depends on the number of digits in our bank accounts. This is exactly where the powers that be want humanity to be right now, because we are easier to control and manipulated when we are divided, and in this never-ending race for materialistic success, we can never be united. It's against the rules of the game.

And even though we cannot change the rules of the game, as we are not the ones making them in the first place, we can always choose to refrain from taking part, and just casually watch from the sidelines. I refuse to be a pawn, and no longer think the government should speak and act on my behalf. They were put in place by me and you, and they have to do as we please and say, otherwise they have to go, and we will make sure they will.

Starting today

Try to set your priorities straight and think out of the box. Their power was handed to them by you, and you are the one who can take it back any time, in an instant. They just don't want you to realize this, and thus have put those noisy boxes inside your home in order to keep you ''informed'' about the stuff they'd like you to be, and totally ignorant about everything that really matters and affects your well-being. Whenever they tell you were to look at, just turn around and focus on the opposite direction.

Whenever they try to tell you what to do, take notes and know what you should never be doing. It's that simple, and this way you will manage to unplug yourself from the matrix and take control of your life. It is no sign of a healthy society to just blindly believe what the news anchorman has to say, and I'm really disappointed in the masses doing just that, and blindly trusting those that are looking to profit from their demise.

Unfortunately we do not live in an ideal world, so we should always be sharp and wary. You cannot trust those that hold all the power, as it has been historically proven that they will use it against you at some point, because power makes the people hungry for even more. It's like a drug you just can't stop craving, and those that make decisions that affect our lives know exactly what I'm talking about. But it's so easy to just close your ears when they speak. To just close your eyes when they appear, and start singing and yelling loudly when they are trying to communicate with you.

Make them listen to you

One way or another, they will have to. You have had enough up until now, no more time to play around. The world needs change, and it needs it now. There is no more time to waste and wait, this is the very reason we were brought into existence by the force that created our world. Let's not let them down for the gift they have given us, which is our intellect and ability to communicate, exchange ideas, and stir up storms capable of washing away all the guilt and sorrow.

You were sent here for a reason, and it's certainly not to gather more and more belongings until the day you will have to leave this world and won't be able to take anything with you. On the contrary, you were sent to think, say and do things that will remain here once you are gone, and will forever remind us all you were here and who you truly were. This is the only rule I try to live my life by, and I must admit that it has been refreshing so far.

I do not plan on stopping. We have a mission and won't stop pursuing our dreams. We dream of a better world, with justice for everyone, where the good people get what they deserve, and the bad people get what they have been asking for. You were placed here to create change, and not to just blindly follow the herd, doing exactly what they all have been, just like a kid replicates every move their parents make.

The world desperately needs your voice, let it be heard. Let your message be known and your weapons be true, and always lead by example. Never hesitate to speak out your mind and raise your voice to those looking to make things hard for you. Let them know you are aware of their presence and intentions, and that you will do whatever it takes to stop them. This is your life and nobody should have the authority to shape it for you. Don't let them.

What if there's life after death? Would you proud of yourself knowing that you lived this life the way they wanted you to, and not the way you were dreaming of? Woudln't it be a huge disappointment to realize that this life was just a simulation where you actually had nothing to lose, but still you took no risks at all? This thought keeps me awake at night and makes me want to get out of bed and capture the world. This is what keeps me motivated to produce more.

If I can change the way you perceive reality by just typing some words on my keyboard, then I have done my part and already feel great about myself. Nothing is more significant than this, and it feels like my true mission in life. If I can trigger a domino effect of change just by letting my thoughts be heard and known, then I will be damned if I don't do it. At all costs. By any means.

Thanks for reading this far

I really appreciate your attention, and hope this piece will inspire you to think about your life choices up until now. The version of you from 5 years ago would be proud of where you are and what you have achieved this far. Keep going and make sure that the future version of yourself will be able to say the same.

See you around,


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