Future Is Now

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3 years ago

We must act now

The future we were promised will never come as it seems, however we are now forced to face another one, one that has already arrived with plans for us. I think it is now more than ever necessary to rise up, let our voices be heard and our weapons be true. We have one another, and this is something they can't take from us, but how exactly to make use of this weapon in order to survive and thrive? In my humble opinion, the answer lies between the lines, and we have to look closely to notice.

What they can't take from you is your voice. At least for now. So you better start acting now just to make sure you will still have this privilege ten or twenty years down the road. This path you are currently walking on is very dangerous, and this is mainly due to the fact that the actual perils lurking in the shadows are invisible. It is absolutely impossible to beat your enemy when you don't even know they exist, and so this fight has already been lost. Even before it started.

You are distracted by the little things and missing the bigger picture, and I am no better at all. I tend to focus so much on my goals and hustle to cover my needs, that I tend to forget about the truly important things in life. Things you can't buy, things you can't have back once they're gone. Things you will always fail to appreciate till you no longer have. And this is human nature. We want what we can't have, and forget to be grateful for what we do have. And as I said, I'm no better.

I just happen to have the courage to address it when I look in the mirror. Be it a gift or a curse, it is what it is, and though I like to think I am in control, I'm not. It just happens. Sometimes I'm envious of people who can just go about living their lives carefree, with not so much going on between their ears in regard to the world and the state it's currently in. I wish I could be just like that.

Ignorance is bliss

It is a lot easier to live a happy life when you don't pay that much attention to the powers that be and their intentions. But for some people that's not even feasible. And I do understand the reasons. How can I be totally indifferent when it comes to decisions that affect my well-being? Decisions that shape my life and determine my future. I wish I could but that's not in the books for me. And I am being honest when I say that I wish I could.

After all, none of this really matters, as the entire Universe is going to die one day. Just imagine how minor and unimportant we human beings really are, when even entire solar systems and clusters are going to freeze off and die out. Nothing is eternal in this realm we find ourselves trapped in, but for some reason we keep looking for things that will last forever. As if we refuse to learn our lesson and keep looking the other way when we're being shown how wrong we are. And I am no better.

Some things were just meant to be, and there is no particular reason for it whatsoever. It just is,and we have to learn to accept the things we cannot change. This seems to be the nature of our very existence as well; it just seems we were brought here by accident and with no particular reason other than to just live and experience the beauty of this Universe that keeps spinning for billions of years with no real purpose.

Make the best of the situation

People tend to interpret this simple message in a million different ways, and at the end of the day they are all right. What's good for me may be bad for you, and vice versa. What looks white to me may look black to you, and who is to say who is right after all? It's all a matter of perception and it changes according to the way you choose to perceive reality everything you experience throughout the day.

We may have our differences, but I do recognize that you have the right to express yourself and let your concerns be heard. I will do everything in my power to protect and defend this right of yours, even if I fully disagree with your views in regard to it. Even if you are not willing to do the same for me, even in return. My personality has nothing to do with the way you treat me, and therefore could never be affected or shaped by external factors.

This is what I wish for you. Try to do the same and be different. Don't ever let the world tell you what you can or what you can't say. Don't ever let them convince you that you can't aim higher and reach for the stars. If you let unsuccessful people advise you, what makes you think you will end up any better than them in the first place? Your loved ones may be wrong about who they want you to become. They're only human too, and none of us is perfect.

Keeping this though in mind can help you be easy and treat yourself with respect. If you are having a bad day, it's okay. You can always take a break to breathe and reflect. It's not the end of the world. At least not yet. And since there will definitely be an end some day, you have to realize that it's now or never, and better do it now. An oxymoron that gives meaning to everything that looks meaningless at first sight. A reason to keep moving on.

Do it for you

The people that love you the most, need you in their life, and you have to take care of yourself in order to be able to take care of them. This is why you should always look to prioritize your mental health and well-being. We all have needs to cover and bills to pay, but we need to be stable and healthy to do so. It is okay to get tired, it's fine if you're already feeling exhausted and dried out. This means you are alive. This means you are a human being.

The ultimate goal should be to gather as much knowledge as possible before you live this realm for good. There are greater things waiting on the other side, but the other side itself can wait. No need to rush. Nothing is more important than that. You're on a mission and you have to make it, and I bet you will make it eventually because you are a soldier. A true warrior. You didn't make it this far by accident. Stop underestimating yourself.

Get up and fight. You're not good at giving up and going away. You've got something more to say, so let it be known. Let the world know that you are the product of evolution brought into life to bring about change. Much needed change. Your creator has great plans for you, so follow your intuition, trust your inner voice, and believe in yourself. Your guardian angel will always be there to pave the way. Just keep your head up and your eyes open.

We are now living in a crucial era. An era that will be remembered for centuries to come. Your name has the chance to go down in history and be written with golden letters all over the book of life. Waiting to be engraved in the sky, hidden behind the clouds. Clouds that were put in place in order to prevent us from seeing what we really are. We are miraculous beings with unimaginable power. But we ignore this fact because we have been misled and deliberately misinformed. Time to break the norm.

I appreciate your attention

If you made it this far, you're a true hero and I appreciate your time. I want you to thrive in life and achieve everything you were meant to. Don't let the powers that be distract you from the fact that you are powerfula and wise. They don't want you to realize this, so please think about it and try to keep it in mind.

We need each other more than ever, and it is our duty to ensure that the future generations will have a peaceful and fair world to live in. Our knowledge and power comes with great responsibility, so let's step up to the challenge and do what we have to do: always try to uplift each other and care.

See you around,


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3 years ago
