The title of Alms to Eat People (SEMARAK) Pringsewu Da'wah Council Receives Thank You From Citizens

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3 years ago

The Pringsewu Da'wah Council carried out the People's Eating Alms (Semarak) activity at the Nurul Huda Musala Wonokriyo Wonodadi, last Friday, April 16; 2021.

This activity was attended by all the congregation which nearly reached 100 people. This activity was also attended by the Pringsewu Da'wah Council. Attending this activity Ustaz Sarjito (Chairman), Ustaz Rahmat Efendi (Secretary), Putra Irawan (Treasurer), Ustaz Heri Hardani (Head of Da'wah and Education), and Ustaz Achmad Pratikno (Cadreization).

Also present were the Pekon apparatus. The activity began with a speech from Takmir Musala Nurul Huda Subhan. In his remarks, Subhan expressed his gratitude to the Pringsewu Da'wah Council management who had been in touch and carried out activities at the Nurul Huda Musala.

He hopes that there will be further programs and guidance. He prayed that Allah SWT would give health and blessings to the donors and administrators of the Da'wah Council.

In other remarks, Ustaz Rahmat Efendi said, Semarak is one of the Da'wah Council's programs. In addition, there are still many other programs that will be carried out, including preaching, Friday sharing, rice compensation, ". he concluded.

The next event was tausiyah, which was delivered by Ustadz Heri Hardani. In his tausiyah, he invited the congregation to set targets at the beginning, middle and end of Ramadan.

He also conveyed several terms in his tausiyah: SPBU (The Atmosphere of Fasting the Main Month), Solar (Diligent Prayer), Pertamax (Improve Maximum Faith), Pertalite (Attention to Neighbors Do Not Be Stingy), and Gasoline (Feed the Poor).

After breaking the fast with dates and snacks that had been prepared by the committee, all administrators and congregations performed evening prayers in congregation and continued to eat together. []

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3 years ago
