What makes us happy?
to all the read.cash users.I like the calmness of Saturday,when we are not in a hurry to go anywhere.This day of the week has its own special charm for me.
So, is a good premise to ask myself what makes us happy?
At different stages of our lives - from childhood to old age,each person experiences happiness differently,when at some point we receive a Gift.
The reaction is different at different ages,but the emotion is always pleasant.It is almost always associated with an element of surprise,which makes us feel happy even for a moment.
A gift on a different occasion, expressed in a different way, brings happiness.
In this line of thoughts an idea and a desire was born in me,this Saturday to make it a colorful gift for all of you.
Spring flowers are a kind gesture that brings a lot of beauty. with a message to smile and experience happiness and good feeling no matter where you are.
If you like this idea, pass it on,to make the site like a flower garden.
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Happiness is a specific thing for each of us.It consists of the little things in everyone's life.