Challenge30days/day 5 - My parents

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Day, History, Nature

It is genetically innate in man to be an individual and determine for himself what is good and what is not without listening to others. Even if those people are those closest to him- his parents. Apart from all the problems for man, in his daily life and living, the most serious difficulty remains the family. For every man, family is very important and all his life he strives to provide the best for his children... But not always the two parties understand each other: parent-child.

Are the two generations- people of different times?...?

Stress, work, commitments, fast life style and all the accompanying problems to the way of our upliftment and our fulfillment are part of the problem of the young society. Do we accept that our parents had boring lives, or do we not know life without these factors. Let us not assume the lives of our elders to be outdated and insignificant. Surprising as it may sound, the path the young are now walking has already been trodden and trodden, not by anyone, but by our own ancestors.

Do children need to learn to understand their parents or parents the children?

With today's fashion, children can hardly be understood. But from the position of a child, I can say that most adolescents cannot express themselves or say what they feel either. There should be harmony, equality and compromise in relationships.

Is our parents' world boring and petty?

Why do adults see the bad and black side of everything? Why don't they see something good, something colourful? Is this the true reality? Who is fooling themselves in this case- the children or the parent? And maybe everyone is right, but let's try to see the good side of things , and it will be much easier that way...

Why do children succumb to so many bad habits and even sacrifice their lives? Whims of the young or just a parent's "oversight"?

There is no parent who can keep an eye on their child 24 hours a day and if trust is not built between them, there is no salvation... Nowadays, both parents and children are subjected to a lot of negative emotions, true friends are on the way out and only traitors are left

A universal likeness of a parent or a programmed robot is the "dream" child?

Most parents strive to make their children in their own image, but at the same time demand that their offspring not make the mistakes they themselves have made. It is no longer just education that is one of the most important things for a parent... Every parent wants to integrate their offspring with their surroundings as quickly as possible and wants to prepare them for the rigors of life.

There is love everywhere, but the love of the parents for the child- it is the only love...

Now is the time to realize how precious we are to someone. How much care, work, sleepless nights parents have sacrificed to educate us, to share their experience, to make us PEOPLE! Material things are lost and gained every day... anyone can take them and lose them easily... but it's what's in our head and heart- the knowledge and experience we've gained that's priceless. And if someone wants to steal it- there is no chance.

Let's give our dearest people a smile, and a gentle and kind word: I love you just the way you are- my parents!

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Day, History, Nature
