Bad speech destroys a person from within

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2 years ago
Topics: Nature, History, Life
Hello, have you ever thought about how you speak and what words you say?

Christianity says that it is not what goes into a person's mouth that is important, but what comes out of it.

Buddhist psychology says that the main source of energy loss is speech.

Speech defines a person.

A person's health and material well-being depend on his speech. The skill of speaking and listening is taught seriously in all business schools. Buddha has claimed that one can kill a man with a word.

A fool is distinguished from a sage when he speaks. Speech has a very strong energy. People who communicate indecently, rudely and abusively at some point get a dark spot on their thin body that can grow into a cancerous tumor in a year or two.

Speech is a manifestation of the life force. According to Ayurveda, it is universal energy.

Its purpose is to bring man closer to the Divine. With it he can discuss practical matters, communicate with his loved ones. But it is also a manifestation of prana.

The more prana a person possesses, the more healthy, successful, charismatic and harmonious he is. Prana is expended the first time a person speaks, especially when he criticizes someone, condemns, makes claims, curses.

Our karma is determined by our speech. When we criticize someone, we take upon ourselves his negative karma and the bad qualities of that person; that is how the law of karma works. We take on the qualities of the person we praise; that is how we acquire divine qualities.

Western philosophy advises us to think and talk about successful and harmonious people.

The more selfishness and envy, the harder it is to speak well of someone. We must learn not to criticize anyone.

The one who criticizes us gives us his positive karma and takes away our bad karma.

That's why the Vedas say it's okay to criticize us.

The Mahabharata says that if we want to get something done, the likelihood of it happening is to keep quiet and not tell anyone about it; if you have told even one person, the likelihood of the work being done is reduced by 80%, especially if you have shared with an envious and greedy person.

People who speak little and thoughtfully accomplish more. They don't waste their energy.

The speech of the ignorant is full of insults, claims, judgments, threats, obscenities that are laced with anger and resentment. If such a person is told something nice about someone else, he may become ill. Such people consciously or unconsciously provoke others, trying to awaken in them the energy of anger, irritation, resentment, envy, because on this wave they are tuned to and feed on these lower destructive emotions.

Their humor is "black," filled with mockery and delight in the grief of others. They are in the illusions from beginning to end. The universe treats such people with the heavy blows of fate and disease.

They quickly develop mental illness. One should not associate with them.

When we have pretensions, our judgment center gets blocked. The most common claims are against fate, against others, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world. Claims manifest themselves not only in words, but also in thoughts, tone, style of communication and attitude towards life.

All claims are destructive; they take away a person's energy and close his heart.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Nature, History, Life
