Top 10 Scary place that gives you a nightmares

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3 years ago

The Lome Bazaar

you wouldn't think that an outdoor market that's open to the public could be scary but it all depends on what sort of merchandise is available looking for a goat's head a live monkey or an alligator skull? the a coderre fetish market in lomé Togo on the continent of Africa probably has it if you want to practice voodoo or dip your toe into black magic they say this is the place to go but it's not meant for just the dark arts visitors also had their if traditional medicine hasn't worked out and they want to try a more alternative approach they'll head there to cure infertility the flu or the run-of-the-mill black curse their neighbors inflicted because of their barking dog you know just regular stuff.


how would you feel if you saw a whole town of people wearing gas masks to the residents of Miyako Jima Japan this is a totally normal occurrence but to outsiders the site can be outright terrifying each resident is required to carry a gas mask in case mount a yama the active volcano that stands right in the center of the island erupts in june 2000 the volcano started releasing so much toxic gas that people had to evacuate they were allowed to return five years later but they need to have their gas masks Andy because the volcano can take used to spout out sulfuric acid regularly so if you want to feel the thrill of being near an active volcano and you'll want to set eyes on what looks like some scene straight out of a post-apocalyptic movie then this is the place for you.

the screaming tunnel

this seemingly normal tunnel near Niagara Falls Canada is said to be the site of a terrible tragedy the stories vary on what happened and why but they all involve a girl perishing in the tunnel and screaming it said that the ghost of the unknown girl now lives there and that if you head into the tunnel in the middle of the night and light a match you'll hear her scream so she just wants to like bum a cigarette well would you dare enter the screaming tunnel.?

the island of the dolls

if you love cute little dolls and you want to continue thinking of them with affection instead of terror you should probably stay away from this next place in Mexico between the canals of za Chi milk oh you'll find la Isla de las million cos or the island of the dolls where there are hundreds of dolls hanging from trees legend has it that a man who lived on the island saw a drowned girl floating in the water when he leader found a doll floating on the water thinking it belonged to the girl he put it up in a tree as a sign of respect the man was haunted by the girls ghost so he put up hundreds of dolls to please her spirit ah the more the merrier though he didn't mean any harm the island is now covered with creepy dolls in various states of deterioration that greet visitors each year.


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it looks quite pretty from afar but when you get a little closer to the Italian village of Craco you start to see there's something seriously wrong this town is completely abandoned the village was founded in the 8th century and thrived for a long time but natural disasters like earthquakes and landslides eventually made it unlivable the buildings have been deteriorating over time with no one to tend to them walking through the empty streets of this ghost town can be haunting yet fascinating at the same time.

The Snake Island

you've heard of snakes on a plane but what about an island that's chock-full of them only snake island is no work of fiction it's an actual island that's located off the coast of Brazil there are hundreds of thousands of snakes on this island but the scariest one comes from the pit viper species i'm talking about the golden lancehead and its poison is so powerful that it actually melts the flesh around the bite oh yeah let's all go there locals in the nearby coastal towns love to tell gruesome stories of what happens to people who set foot on the island one is about a fisherman who wandered into the island to pick bananas another involves a lighthouse operator who got bitten when a snake crept into his home.

bran castle

what could be creepier than the presumed home of the blood sucking king of all vampires Dracula himself well it isn't Dracula's castle per se but the castle was the home of Vlad the Impaler who was the inspiration for brand stoker's dracula bran castle or Dracula's castle as its called colloquially is in the southeastern part of Transylvania Romania the castle is now a museum but all the ancient weapons stories of Vlad's bloodthirsty activities accounts of creepy sounds and the underground passages make the castle a sinister place to all who visit.

Hashima island

if you ever want to feel like the last person on the planet just head to Hashima island in japan this island looks like something out of.a dystopian world in the early 1900's Mitsubishi Corporation had a City complete with entire buildings roads.schools restaurants you name it built on the island so that they could mine for coal they're the miners and their families live comfortably on the island until the coal ran out Mitsubishi left and everyone packed up and followed suit Hashima island is now a ghost town quite literally according to the legend besides being deserted nothing awful really happened there but there are still plenty of stories claiming that ghosts roam the streets and that you can hear murmurs and whispers even when you're alone.

the island of the dolls (japan)

remember well here we go in a Goro Japan you'll find all kinds of dolls that are so big in life like that it's hard not to get the heebie-jeebies if you were tonhead there completely unaware of its history and you get lost you might walk up to a person on the street only to discover there a doll with your heart pounding out of your chest you'd look around to see that there aren't anynpeople just lifeless dolls staring blankly back at you when artists uh-uh note tsukimi came back home to Nagar oh she noticed so many of the people she grew up with had either left or passed away so she got an idea to make a doll out of each and every one there are dolls everywhere there are those who are fishing some are alone and others in a group there are doll children sitting in school and elderly dolls relaxing on porches at this point the village houses way more dolls than people with a human population of about forty and a doll population of 350 and growing zucchinis efforts may seem creepy to some but they can also be considered fascinating and really sweet to others.

perikala sculpture park

located in finland perikala sculpture park is home to some really lovely sculptures and some downright terrifying ones go for a visit if you want to say ah one minute and scream in fear the next there are nearly 500 concrete figurines that were all created by a reclusive artist named veo rohnke net what was going through his head when he created them only he knows but whatever it was it's left a lasting impression on the tens of thousands of tourists who visit the park each year many of the sculptures show people going about their daily activities there are also some nice kitties and you'll even find some cute owls oh yeah and some of the sculptures have real human teeth the creepy factor increases since the human figurines usually have tiny pupils sunken eyes or no eyes and mouths open in a sinister smile.

Hey readers what's the scariest place you've ever visited let us know down in the comment section below.

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3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

The one that scare me most is the snake island in Brazil. I don't want to be there.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

amazing artical

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Is that really existed? Oh if ever that was so scared for me. Specially in Snake Island. I had phobia in any snake and like creatures snake even worm . I dunno why maybe because I afraid that when I was a child. hehe. Thabks fir sharing this I never knew this places in the world.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Is that really existed? Oh if ever that was so scared for me. Specially in Snake Island. I had phobia in any snake and like creatures snake even worm . I dunno why maybe because I afraid that when I was a child. hehe. Thabks fir sharing this I never knew this places in the world.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks buddy

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That was amazing. I want to travel in visit that scary places you mentioned. I am so winder if that really existed in our times today. That was so fantastic for me. Thanks for sharing thise scary places in the world. I do really like informative articles like that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks buddy

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Those places are really scary.... Please subscribe back thanks

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3 years ago