Earning crypto without losses,just by switching it and...

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Avatar for liam.co
11 months ago

Did you ever asked yourself, is it posible be so calm while holding or trading crypto ? The answer is yes,it is possible.

I will show you how.

First you need some cryptocurrency in your wallet. The trick is just by switching them.

You can do it with any cryotocurrency.Everyrging what you need is for example holding some Eth,or Btc or whatever, and some stabelcoins.

Here is the trick:

Example 1 : Let's say you have in your wallet 1 Eth and 1000 usdt

1Eth is worth 1800 usdt today. If Eth rise to 1900 ,you switch eth in worth of 100 usdt to usdt.

Now you own 0.947 eth in worth 1800 usdt and 1100 usdt. nothing changed.

Example 2: If Eth fall to 1800 Usdt,you switch 100 usdt to eth. If it rise again to 1900,you will earn +5,5 usdt just by switching eth to usdt.

I make it now simple.

When Eth rise,you switch eth to usdt,when eth falls,you switch usdt to eth.

You can switch it every 50 points,or every 100,200 point,how you like it.

If you own 10 Eth, 100 points are worth 55usdt.

If eth fluctuated 1000 points in one way,you earn 550 usdt.

Ofcourse,55 usdt is Eth worth by 1800- 1900 usdt, the switch earning has allways another networth.

If you own 20 eth and some usdt for switching,every point is worth 1 usdt.

There is also one disadvantage.If Eth falls to 0 usdt,you own 0 cryptocurrency.

But,there is a solution.

You will never ever lose your money.

Ofcourse,if you cryotoexchage was not the ftx exchange..

Do you wannt to know,how?

$ 0.00
