It possible but its rare . A 30 to 35 years old lady can hit her Menopause stage.

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3 years ago

It possible but its rare (Premature Menopause) A 30 to 35 years old lady can hit her Menopause stage.

Yes!! A lady below 40years can get to her menopause stage.

It can happen and it has happened but its rare.

Science behind early menopause in women with more children.

Premature Menopause is defined as premature ovarian failure before the age of 40 years.

A study carried out by an Australian researcher discovered that the age at which women get their first period,also the number of children a woman have,may influence when she will enter menopause.

Early period and the number of child birthday may lead to early menopause.

Premature menopause affects 1% of women under the age of 40 years. Women who have premature menopause are at risk premature death, neurological diseases, psychosexual dysfunction, mood disorders, osteoporosis, ischemic heart disease and infertility.

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