The Cloud Does Not Mean The Rain

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Photography, Nature, Life

Clouds tell us that it is going to rain, but the cloud does not mean rain. Most of us have imagery in our minds that the darkness of the cloud means an uncertain situation in life.


Let's learn from nature. If you see dark clouds, it means the weather is going to rain. It is true, but the clouds will not always cause rain on the land where we stand. There is still another factor that will dismiss the cloud over our heads. The wind will blow the clouds away and bring the raindrops to other places.


In life, when we see the darkest part of life, we often come to a conclusion before everything has taken place. We predict what is going to happen. That is a kind of pessimistic. Let the cloud be blown away by the wind. When we don't see anything that can help us get out of our bind, we should let life handle the difficult situation for us.We accept the cloud cover to protect us from the sunlight. There is always a miracle that is going to happen in the lowest part of our lives.


Clouds tell us how they are blown away once there is rain . Life has its own path. We sometimes have to accept who we are now and look forward to something that will make us happy after that.


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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Photography, Nature, Life
