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2 years ago

Dear all authors. Let me introduce myself. My name is Fauzi. I was born in Central Java, Indonesia. I am a father with three kids.

My passions are writing and photography. I am also interested in cryptocurrencies. I am an urban man. Living as an urban man was not easy at first. I should struggle for my existence in a new land.


I moved to Bekasi in 2009. I worked as a teacher until 2017. I quit my teaching job. I started my own business. I ran a small business until 2020. When covi..d hit my town, everything looked pessimistic. My business was closed. I began to teach at a kindergarten in 2021, but I was laid off in 2022. The school could not afford more new teachers because the new students were only 50 % of the previous year.


I started to be a blogger. I could make small money from blogging. I found from people's sharing articles on social media. I tried to learn how to earn money from this platform. I hope you will welcome me to join and share my life stories on this new platform.



This is my photo of Bekasi. Bekasi is supporting city in the east of Jakarta. Now, it is growing. There are new malls and scryscapers. Some urban people prefer to live in Bekasi because the price of land is cheaper than in Jakarta. There are thousands of people who commute to work every day from Bekasi to Jakarta.


I am fond of photography. I like macro. I look for objects made from animals, insects, flowers, or plants everyday. I hope you will welcome me to this new platform. Thanks for reading my post. I hope you enjoy it.


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2 years ago
