Do you learn from your mistakes ?

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2 years ago

Everyone makes mistakes. No one is always right in their lives. There are many things from our mistakes that we can learn.


When we decide to do something, we calculate the risk naturally. The question is how skilled we are at minimizing the risks associated with our decision.Most people who achieve a good life have made good and right decisions in their jobs, businesses, studies, and future.


Naturally, we have been trained to make mistakes since we were kids. How good are we in the learning process? One who has more experience and learns from it, he may decide to do something big in his life with minimum risks.


In business and investment, we also need to learn from mistakes. If not from our mistakes, we should learn from others. Successful investors often share their experience in selecting assets to invest in. We can learn from their experience and mistakes to avoid getting lost.

One thing that I learned from my mistake is to put all my eggs in one basket. When the basket is broken, all the eggs are broken too. That was a very bad situation. Now, I have tried to diversify my assets by adding some valuable assets, from real properties to digital assets.

Thanks for reading. , I hope you enjoy it.



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2 years ago
