Crazy About Selfie Photo In Black and White

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2 years ago

I am crazy about doing photo selfie in black and white. I get unique photos after that. Because of it is a photo selfie, some of you may not be interested. However, I would like to present my selfie photos here.

I think I like my smile in the photo. It is so natural, isn't it?. I do not use lighting to take the photo. I was happy at that time. I hope my happiness will spread to all of you.

This is a reflection in a mirror. I wear Kopiah ( A cap). Unfortunately, the mirror is dirty so the picture is not clear.

I sat in relaxed position. I felt very comfortable at the time. I used lighting in this shot because it was dark.

Taking selfie photos is a new hobby for me. I do not know it is benefit or not but I think I enjoy the activities. The result is sometimes amazing. In my selfie photo I usally pick a theme in my shots. The theme in this photo is religious. The clothes that I am wearing is a traditional clothes for a Javanese men in formal occasion. I am wearing a kopiah, a batik shirt and sarong.

Thanks for reading my post. The photos are just for fun. You can ignore me if you do not like my actions.

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2 years ago
