It often happens that you look out the window and watch the raindrops spill over it and think that the world is a very boring place to live? You wake up in the morning and look out of the corner of your eye out the window, hoping the sun will shine brighter than ever that morning. and the rays only blind you, it seems to you as if the sun is laughing at you. you think, obviously this day won't be better than the others either, and you keep waiting for that day and that week and the whole year to pass. until you realize that life is going to be irreversible and you are still standing there waiting for the right moment to start enjoying your life somehow unconsciously as usual you are standing and waiting for everything to pass that gives you a feeling of fatigue and disappointment. as if you have already forgotten the real goal you stand and wait forgetting what is really important and what you really want from your life.
you miss the little things that make you happy and make life while you wait for something big to happen, interesting to be happy you miss the smiles of sunrises and sunsets you miss the love and emotions. you miss the present waiting for the future you miss today waiting for tomorrow because you think it will be better. the life clock continues to relentlessly count down your lost minutes slowly and irretrievably disappears your life turning into the past one day you will find with horror that your life has passed without you having time to enjoy it. stop waiting to make something of your life be a blacksmith of your happiness don't wait for happiness to pass by you become the master of your life live life live it now live it today live it in this moment.