Computers: Partners in Learning

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3 years ago
Topics: Computer

Computers: Partners in Learning

Compotens havebecnme aneneryday part nr lives and ed the lives for children Inter encounter computeriri schools libraries us stores and ames, and more and more frequent my. children havcacces to computers in their homes

W with computer you are undoubtedly aware of its use fill in missing your time or ninning your household The computer alu can be a first rate learning toy for your child an infinitely patient and practically indestructible rate and play mate And it can be equipped with a ratio of simple software programs to provide your fuld with games and acies that are boch stimulating and

Experts in education are sudysmg the value of teaching early leurning concepts on the computer rather than through re traditional methods While no hrm conclusions have been cache the of learning from a computer, the prevailing wi don seems to be that there is no need to purchase a computer l the wale purpose of teaching your child. Ihur if you already h PC a computer it can help your yungster bein laming important that will be useful in his preschool vrats and coce be goes to school

You muy wonder what specielt rode precio p can derive from sitcha sophisticated piece of machinery puter. In the learning effects are h and far reaching le search shows that children generally gain the en sense of authority when they are controlling the main whether they are typing one letter of the alphabet ver anduve or ne enged in a learning me

In addition, computer play cati do much to promote creatiny in children, ter viewing the results of his play c the computer Morven, your poungster may become more eager to produce new inues words or sounds Finc moor skill ako are enhanced by Working in a computer As his fingers enter information into the computer and your child tracks the realis of his entnO on the computer screen, both besc movement and his eve and co ardination are simulated

But perhaps the most important benefit of all derived fram com puter play in the development of intellect of your youngster's ability to think and to leura Computer play kindies logic and mem ovary, develops a child's problem solving ability and introduces the concept of these and effect Some sotware programs ask your youngster to make choices at various stages that lead the pro gram to another level of play or to particular conclusion. The younger son comes to learn that auch decision he makes af fects the program outcome

From Toddlerhood On

Most experts wree that a child is ready to be introduced to Computers as NO00 as he shows some interest. And just as your todlkrlanbers into suit bap when pick up tool or maga e wobbly be right at your elbow and eer s ke part while you are sitting in front of the com e children by the coles and sounds that the computer emits exit interest in the machine as early as two reed younger

bete e years of ge, actils ability to manipulate a com pater y be linked to hitting keys at random or just sitting and watching the gs on the screen. But this should not be nto mean that the younoiter should be excluded from the ac i sunt observing the changing shapes, colors, panerns mad sounds produced by the computer can provide an infant or young child with all the sun and sensory awakening of an collaborate activity box

Beginning at about the age of two many children will use the computer rc day and are able to acquire hale skills through the aherne Your youngster can learn simple number and let er identification from an adult word program, however there are special children's software programs that belich chore concepts and others in a fashion that many children will find far more entertaining and enjoyable

Many programs animated objects and characters, sounds or voices, music not vibrint colors to hold the child's interest. For example a math learning game which teaches a child to recognize numbers and to count may show a group of animated objects

on the screen while displaying the corresponding number Programs to prepare your youngster for reading may employ similar graphics to help the child identify letters of the alphabet and distinguish upper- and lower case letters. And eye catching

graphics are standard in programs that are designed to expand a Hester's creative senses programs that ask him to discriminate among particular colors or shapes, match objects to their names, or scribble or draw.

As your youngster grows in ability, he can hone his new skills with more advanced programs. Playing adventure games will broaden his imagination and problem solving talents through role playing and the reasoning out of challenging situations

By the age of five or six, a child may be able to do simple addition and subtraction play spelling games and write little stories. Re search has shown that youngsters with access to a computer often write with greater willingness and facility than do children who do not have access to a computer.

The still developing coordination of children in this age group tends to make writing with a pencil a slow and arduous pro cas, especially when there are corrections that must be made or rewriting that must be done. Using a computer helps your child put down his idcas quickly and it also helps him organize his thoughts more casily After, the youngster can practice his penman ship by copying the story onto paper

Equipping Your Computer Although there are many software programs available that are de

signed specifically for children, not all of these programs will be suitable for your youngster. Even though a program is labeled for his age group, it may not be appropriate for your child's particu Lar stage of development. In addition to following the tips on choos ing software in the box below, you might also let your child help make the selections You and your youngster often can try out a program at your

local library or in the store before you decide to purchase it. That way you will be able to gauge how your child reacts to the pro gram's content and see whether he has any difficulty entering infor mation into the computer.

A small child's limited manual dexterity may prevent him from

responding quickly to the commands of computer woware programs You should look for programs that des de man e hut instead allow a young player plenty of time to make his selections

Your child may find advantages to the outer keyboard altogether and simply another form of input de MAKE, Something that in more easily manipulated by a child mall hands Ooc much instrument is a joystick-a handle tut when managed by your youngster, translates the monuments int actim on the computer screen Alo aisle are light pens and similar mechanisms that transfer marks the child makes n theKenurface. t on aoc sensitivE bled, onto the com putere minute la app with these special input devices but for other modes they are acce hild ries that must be purchased separately

Whatever ware or input menu ch,te sure that your computer set up accept lor example yo keta pro prani that includes voice, your computer may bed bened with special datet

Encouraging Computer Activities

Tin e nt is only an excellent learning caper for ence fur your ctkd, it can provide awcedertulopportunity for you and you t o spend time together Latin he be cume familiar with the comper an the program. your child itt probably need help loading the war wing the keyhound the input device, MAh analyst, and understanding he programs instruct

Through the s il ya and your child ped in fet the computer your younger will for juance indor K ement and for interoting new ideas and help with problem w

Iin important heer, nenh your enter into ng Coeur See children are simply t a intnpnd by the machine an others and they should not be pr into playing with it achieving acerun lady dompe sense Tobentt and learn tronma com puter, child an interest and talled the Pd yunpiters tenton pan in story ally only free to 15 minutes- and the bed to cntime beyond his per wa Solaneles de muy develop an your chienny the computer and be cum familiar with it tt do not let i be Can the be all and end all of his play and learn Treat tas just another vernday a tivity is full and exciting life.

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3 years ago
Topics: Computer


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