The Key to Creating a Successful Mindset

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2 years ago

How many people know what to do, but don’t do what they know? It’s a very powerful question, and I’m sure it resonates with you, just as much as it does with me. It may or may not surprise you, but the answer to the question is a lot!

When you delve deeper into why this is the case, the underlying reasons become apparent. This is important, because when you understand why it’s happening, you can then go about making things right.

If you don’t address it, the scenario will continue to rear it’s head, and hold you back. Not ideal, when you are trying to grow personally and professionally.

What’s Holding You Back?

The main culprit is fear. When fear gets in the way, you won’t execute optimally. Fear of failure, and letting people down, impact your performance. You don’t execute to your normal standard, and are more likely to take the easy out.

When you are uncertain, and when something is new, are 2 more culprits that won’t let you take action. Your mind can become clouded with negative thoughts, and you just do what you know you can do. And that sucks!

Surely, there are steps you can implement to deal with these and help you execute even when you don't want to? Luckily, there is! Let’s take a look at momentum.

What is Momentum?

As the name indicates, it’s a moment in time, where something changes. It could be some kind of eureka moment, where you finally realize what you have to do, to get where you want to be.

These moments are beautiful and should be savoured, because they can truly be a turning point in your life. A moment where you can look back and say bam, that’s where everything changed.

Like with most things in life, you need to work for it. You won’t be gifted it, while sitting on the couch. You need to start manifesting a successful future and putting in place practices that can create momentum.

How Can You Create Momentum?

It needs to start with the fire that is burning inside you. Passion, enthusiasm, energy, and focus. You have these in abundance? You are starting in the right direction, and you are establishing a solid platform to build success.

When you want to achieve something you are passionate about, are you going to stop when you hit the first roadblock? No, you take it in your stride, and you keep moving forward. When things aren’t going well is a true test of your character and how bad you want something.

Fear and uncertainty will always be there, but when you have passion and are obsessed with success, you will be able to still execute, even you don’t feel like it.

4 Phase Momentum Loop

The loop comprises 4 phases, potential, action, results, and certainty. When any of the segments isn’t functioning as it should, it will throw off your ability to generate or maintain momentum.

PotentialWhat we are capable and what we do are 2 different things, when fear gets in the way, it will hinder your ability to execute.

ActionTo be successful, you need to take action, but it’s not about taking action. You need to be wise enough to switch up the approach when it isn’t working. It’s just not about taking action, it’s about taking the right action!

ResultsCreating results in advance, envisioning doing something productive, and what the end product looks like creates confidence. You transport yourself into the future, this is your destination. Because if you can’t envision success, you don’t know where you are going.

CertaintyYou create certainty by practising over and over and over. You become so good, it becomes an automatic process, and it is actually harder for you not to execute. This is why professional athletes spend so much time practising, it doesn’t happen without putting the hours in.

Momentum & Success

It’s evident how momentum creates such a vital role in creating a successful mindset, but you got to work for it. It’s not handed to you, you got to start with you and start putting the processes in place to generate momentum. Passion, energy, focus play a part, and you need to leverage these correctly.

You can’t legislate for everything, and some external factors can play a role, not to mention internal factors, such as fear. But you need to ready, obsessed, ready to execute, because when your time comes, and all the stars align, you need to capitalize.

Look over the 4 phases of creating momentum, remember that when one is off, it throws off everything. Become a master, be ready to execute, envision success. It’s only a matter of time before good things will happen. I did get some inspiration from Tony Robbins to write this article, I’m keeping my momentum loop tight!

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2 years ago
