The story of death, the death of birth

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3 years ago

How many people die every year in the whole world? Like 75 million. How many babies are born in a year? Just double its - 130 million.

Every minute 250 babies are born in this world. How many people die every minute, you know? About 120 people.

About seven and a half thousand people die every hour. About two and a quarter million people die every day in the whole world. This means that if it takes one second to read the sentence you are reading, the word you are reading, in that one second two people are dying on earth.

The birth is just the opposite again. More than four people are born every second. 2 people die every second. That means 2 more people per second in the world.

At the end of dinner I walked and lay down with a tired body. Somehow I woke up. I don't know why it broke. Suddenly I thought - how easy it is to be born, because the time of birth is not understood. What I do not see is not known as easy hardship, but death does. Let us see death with our own hands, let us see the nearness of death ourselves. We do not see our own birth, but death. We see ourselves sitting near death.

I got up and made tea. Herbal tea. With dark chocolate. A good medicine often written. I fell asleep while writing.

I sat down to write about death.

I wrote the first paragraph and checked it by holding the phone's stop watch - it took 48 seconds to read the beginning word 'year' from the above paragraph to the last word '2 people'. As I did, by that time 192 children had come to earth, 98 people had died somewhere in the world. 96 new people have been added to the side. Strange one life cycle.

I will write a whole number of bold spots without writing the fractional calculation of the numbers.

Most people in the world die of heart problems. About 17 million people. The next most common cause of death is cancer. About 10 million die each year from all types of cancer. The third leading cause of death was lung problems. About 6 million people die each year from lung disease.

The cause of the fourth death is very interesting. Many cannot think. Because, if you don't do the calculations in one place, you will not see such interesting things. The fourth reason why nearly three million people die every year is dementia. This means - dementia!

Then there are the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth, respectively: stomach problems, diabetes, liver and kidney disease. More than one million to more than two million die in each.

Ninth cause of death - road accident. About 1.2 million people die each year in road accidents. Tenth, there are eleven: about 1 million die of tuberculosis and then less than one million die of AIDS every year.

8 lakh people commit suicide in the world every year. 6 lakh people are killed every year due to social or any other reason. The first is called Suicide, the second is called Homicide.

Three lakh people drown every year, but two and a half lakh people die due to malnutrition. Although the calculation of malnutrition deaths may be a little messy.

Over one and a half lakh people died after consuming too much alcohol. Again, less than one and a half lakh people die by taking wrong or more drugs.

There are always wars in different parts of the world. About one lakh and twenty five thousand people die in these wars every year. On the other hand, more than one lakh people die every year due to fire.

Not suicide, but more than seventy thousand people die each year by mistake or food poisoning. More than fifty thousand people die every year from scorching heat and freezing temperatures in winter.

The second lowest number of people die - you know? Before saying the answer, let me give you a clue as to which news of the year is most covered in the paper! The answer is - terrorism. World Terrorism. There is a lot of news about various terrorist organizations around the world, especially in this century, which is full of unnecessary hatred and poison from the West against Muslims. Only one-tenth of the world's drowning deaths each year at the hands of terrorists. Every year, only twenty-five thousand people die due to any kind of terrorism in the world. But a quarter of the lead news is the news made by the western media about the activities of terrorists!

What kills the least? Think about it. I know, it won't come to mind. The fewest people die in natural disasters: storms, earthquakes, cyclones or floods! Only tens of thousands die every year due to these reasons.

There are now around eight billion people in the world.

In twelve months, 65 million people died worldwide. To date, more than half a million people have died from the corona virus in 217 countries. Maybe five lakh more could die in the remaining months. In twelve months, death due to corona will be one two million or 2 million

The lives of 6 billion people have been paralyzed to prevent 1 million deaths from taking 65 million deaths as normal.


1. The Lancet: The Global Burden of Diseases Study

2. World in Data: Cause of Death by Hannah Ritchie & Max Roser

3. WHO - World Health Organization

4. Scientific American

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3 years ago
