How to shutdown a computer like a pro.

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Avatar for ktechdexim
3 years ago

Shutdown your pc or laptop like a pro. This trick will mostly apply on Windows platform users.

There's no magic here. All you just need to know is the following command.

shutdown -f -t 0

"-f" - means force shutdown. Will force close all open programs. Thus, will shutdown faster than normal shutdown process.

"-t" - means time to wait. Set "0" zero for immediate shutdown. The count, is in per seconds based.

Note that, always make sure that you have saved your work, if any.

To proceed, first access the "Run" dialogue box. In keyboard, "Windows button + R" is the shortcut method.

Then just type the command with no quotation, "shutdown -f -t 0". Hit the Enter key, and see the magic? No. The shutdown process of course.

Thanks for reading.


$ 0.00
Avatar for ktechdexim
3 years ago


Thanks very informative. But is it really safe to shut down your pc or laptop instantly? Didn't it cause damage to your hardware?

$ 0.00
3 years ago


What's indicated on this article is not instant shutdown.

It's just the faster version of proper shutdown, using command method. It's surely safe.

Instant shutdown (ie. sudden power loss), is the one we should avoid as much as possible. It may corrupt your your OS in an instant. Worst, may damage your hard disk permanently.


$ 0.00
3 years ago