Python Keywords

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3 years ago

In this post I will show you how you can get a special list of words which are reserved in Python.

With reserved I mean that these keywords are always available, so you don't need to import them or whatsoever.

Right now we are talking about Python >=3.8 version. We currently have 35 reserved keywords.

If you type help("keywords") in Python's REPL, you will get the whole list.

*REPL stands for Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop. The REPL is how you interact with the Python Interpreter*

Next, as indicated in the output above, you can use help() again by passing in the specific keyword that you need more information about. You can do this, for example, with the del keyword:

The point here is that you basically have pretty nice documentation inside Python's REPL already, it's just a matter of typing what you would like to learn about! 😏

Hope you liked this one 😉

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3 years ago
