Follow your heart and do what makes you happy.

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Life is short, and you should not waste it on activities that your heart actually does not desire. This can be used to any situation, whether a job, a relationship, a degree, or your overall life status. Some people simply follow orders and do whatever it takes to get by, but this is not the way to live your life. Everyone deserves to be happy and enjoy life to the fullest, and I believe that following your heart will allow you to do so.

Always follow your heart and do what makes you happy.

Here's the thing: if you're in a scenario where you're not 100 percent sure, your intellect and heart will virtually always be moving back and forth with each other. For example, if you enter a relationship with someone too soon after a breakup in order to distract yourself from the person you just lost, your intellect and heart will be constantly at odds. Why? Your mind will try to persuade you of all the reasons why you should stay. However, your heart will always fight for what you truly desire.

The battle is the most difficult because it is solely your responsibility. You're on your own with your thoughts. Things all in your head, and you're overthinking it. Trying to think up a million and one reasons why what you're doing is the appropriate thing to do. Your heart is a collection of all of your true feelings, pleading with you to pay attention and run. Back out now, while you still have the opportunity, before things get too ugly. Your heart actually understands what you desire. And, while you may believe that going with your brain is the better option because it has been considered, this is not always the case. Why? Because you're trying to persuade yourself about something you simply isn't true or good for your heart, you're dancing around the truth.

Don't do something if your heart isn't in it. It'll be difficult because, if you're anything like me, you despise giving up and disappointing others. But I can assure you that those around you would prefer you to be immersed in something to which you can devote your entire attention rather than something to which you aren't completely convinced.

Always listen to your heart as it will lead you to areas you never imagined. Your heart will always pursue your ambitions, and whether or not things work out in the end, you will have had the opportunity to experience the feeling of living your own life. Your heart will bring you more joy than anything else. It is the wellspring of your happiness and love, as well as the heart of your desires.


I hope you're following your heart because your heart already knows who you are. It is aware of your innermost secrets and vices. It is aware of your deepest aspirations. It is aware of your true feelings. So listen to it.

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