Bitcoin Cash Marketing

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10 months ago (Last updated: 6 months ago)

If you want to participate in awareness campaigns for the adoption of Bitcoin Cash read on

Every time you go to a business and buy something, you can go and do a review on Google maps, Google local, or some other review site, sharing your experience with that company. All you do is write a footnote.

"I wish they accepted Bitcoin Cash as payment and had a Bitcoin Cash reward system."

You can put a QR code to this read cash article, in your review profile photo, so people can come here register, learn, and earn.

You'll probably earn some Bitcoin Cash.

You can further maximize your earning results, by joining all of my wealth building programs, create QR codes for each one, and create your own website, or article here on Read Cash, with all the QR codes on it, then create a QR code for your link, that says something like Wealth In Remote Work.

There are many people looking for a way to earn through remote work.

How easy would it be, to print your QR code on a T-Shirt, and go have fun where lots of people will see it.

Flea Markets, Music Events, City Parks, Travel on Pay Vacations. If you have a van, put qrcode signs on it. It's a great billboard.

It's called fun wealth building, with easy to use affiliate marketing tools.

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