The unfortunate queens of the seas: the Mafalda

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3 years ago

A tragedy was the shipwreck of the "Princess Mafalda" on 25 October 1927, eighty miles off the Brazilian coast.

She was considered the first transatlantic liner in the world and had 1259 people on board who enjoyed the last hours of the voyage.

In the afternoon, the propeller broke due to the breaking of an axle. There was a leak in the stern of the ship.

A jolt then sounded the alarm, while the on-board orchestra played the "Miserere" of the Trovatore.

The watertight bulkheads are not working and cannot stop the water.

The sea was calm and "cats also save themselves", as the sailors say, but the lifeboats were in bad condition and overturned causing casualties.

Onboard there was panic. Someone killed himself with a revolver.

The "Mafalda" sinks at dusk. The commander Simone Gulì sinks with the ship.

The dead were 314.

By Kokr75!

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3 years ago
