To be honest, I am just playing with you

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3 years ago

It just a normal day, at school and it's just the first day of the exam. And as I expected all my classmates are studying for the exams. As usual, the atmosphere of the classroom even though it is our exam day.

After taking the exams in the morning period, it's 12 noon, and it's time to take our lunch, as usual, I eat with my friends. While taking our lunch we arrive at the topic of "do you have someone you like?", my other classmates are answering the question in a manner of comedy or joke when it's my turn to answer the question I didn't answer it and just smile and nod to them.

I thought I already escape those questions, but there is my girl classmate who really keeps bugging me. And saying "Is that the girl in the other room", I really don't answer her., but her persistence is kinda annoying. So I came up with an idea to tell her that she was the girl I like. As expected she didn't believe it, and she keeps asking me those annoying questions.

So, I hold her hand, and force her hand to intertwined with my own hand, and not letting her go. Even though it's time for my next exam, I really did know what gotten to my mind and done those things, but honestly, it's quite fun.

And it's another day, to keep my word that I like her, I keep following her wherever she goes, following her with my eyes holding her hand. But honestly, I do not have the tiniest feelings for her, it just that I find it fun to do those things.

Every day, every week, and until a month I keep doing it, repeating it but what happened to me. Why?!. Why I always think of you. Why I always want to see you smile? Why I am looking forward to seeing you every day. I am not serious when I said I like you. I am just playing with you, cause I find it fun, or...

Am I in love with you?.....

Did I fall into my own trap?...

To be honest, "I am just playing with you!

It's just for fun...


my heart...

Am, I just playing with you?...


From a prompt generator...

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Written by
3 years ago
