Parasitic worms?...

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2 years ago


These organisms might sound like a Sci-fi monster, but their danger could be severe depending on their number. They are usually those who live within a host, and from there, they get their food to live and lay eggs in the future.

Where can they found?

They are everywhere, either from water, food, soil, or even bug bites. For example, malaria is caused by plasmodium, which can be transmitted through mosquitoes, specifically the Anopheles Mosquito. Or the Enterobius vermicularis, commonly known as human pinworm, infects a person through ingestion or inhalation of its eggs.

Some parasites live in the intestine of a fish, such as the Capillaria philippinensis; when ingested by a person, it can cause intestinal capillariasis.

Parasitic Infection. What is it?

It is an infection caused by the parasites living in the body, which can cause a sepsis. Sepsis is dangerous and life-threatening to a person having it since this is the body's final response towards the infection of parasites in the body.

How to avoid this kind of illness or disease?

There are many ways to protect yourself from getting a parasite; most of the common ways presented by different healthcare workers are by practicing personal hygiene. For instance, washing your hands after using the bathroom is a common practice to avoid getting Enterobius vermicularis or pinworm since the eggs of these parasites are usually located in the perianal region. Also, frequently changing your clothes could do the same, though it is rare for an adult to have a human pinworm.

Thoroughly cooking foods, for example, fish, could help prevent getting Capillaria philippinensis. And avoiding walking on the soil barefooted could take you away from getting Strongyloides stercoralis or roundworm.

  • Drink clean, bottled water when traveling.

  • Wash your hands often, especially after contact with contaminated food, water, and feces.

  • Cook food to recommended temperatures and practice good hygiene.

  • Avoid swallowing/drinking water in lakes, streams, or ponds.

Parasitic worms could be fearsome if we let them in on our bodies since they can multiply thousands of times in a short period. But taking the proper precaution and seeking advice from a licensed physician could prevent the further spread of the parasites in the body.

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2 years ago
