Fairies and elves

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3 years ago

The villas are believed to live underground or near old hills and caves. They are usually believed to have wings, but can be found without them. Wings are a visual expression of energy passing through fairy bodies, while fairy eyes are a mirror of their souls.

These creatures are wonderful…. tiny… small… summery… fluttery…

Villas can be divided in several ways, but it is best to distinguish them according to their four natural elements.

Water villas can be found in and around all running and standing waters, but they love streams and waterfalls the most. This group of villas includes niksija, lamiasi and undinesi. The most famous are niksija, English river fairies with white skin and green hair, while the most famous of the sea fairies are mermaids.

Earth fairies live deep in the earth, in rocks and in the roots of trees. This group includes gnomes, locks and commodities. Earth fairies represent the forces of nature that reflect its power.

Fire fairies are particularly moody fairies, and this group includes salamanders, fire drakes and various devils.

Air fairies represent the messengers of souls flying between the worlds of earth and heaven, spiritual and physical. This group includes sylphs, perissa and all kinds of winged fairies. In general, they are very fond of wings and winged creatures, so they are very happy to adorn themselves with bird feathers.

Fairies are experienced differently in different cultures. In some they are considered good-natured, while in others they speak of evil creatures who like to deceive people.

In their natural state, fairies are actually pure energy. Villas take shape according to their character or the area in which they reside. Fairy wings are made of light, feeling and energy. The fairy's eyes are the mirrors of their souls. Sometimes they have red ears which is a sign of their supernatural power. Their clothes are diverse. Fairies sometimes know how to imitate human fashion and the styles of their area and time.

Fairies are mortal, but they still live much longer than humans, and unlike us, they very skillfully use magical powers and tricks. Fairies help people and give back to the good. Fairies are also known to be very vindictive, so it is very important to follow their rules.

Sometimes fairies like a person very much and they start bringing them valuables or money. A person who has that honor and happiness must keep that secret to himself, otherwise the gifts will stop coming. Likewise fairies also like to receive gifts, but only if they deem them appropriate. Among their favorites are cakes, milk and cheese.

In return, they will fill dry wells with water, make crops fertile… If fairies stop receiving gifts, or if they are denied, they are very stubborn and headstrong creatures, they are capricious and what they say may not always be true. When it comes to fairies, things are certainly not what they seem.

The elf is a creature from Germanic mythology. At first they were conceived as little beings and gods of fertility, and they looked like young men and women, beautiful, and lived in forests, underground, in caves, or in springs and wells. They were long-lived or immortal and had magical powers. Beginning with the elves of J. R. R. Tolkien (in The Lord of the Rings where wise and immortal elves play a very important role) they became the main characters of many other modern fantasy works, both in literature and in computer games. They are human in height and appearance, only they have long pointed ears. They have no beard or mustache. They are immortal and have power over nature. Elves are mythological creatures that bring good luck. We associate them with happiness and four-leaf clover. He believes that the elf originated from the dragon Hydra because we associate elves with water and happiness, and elves are born every time someone picks or eats a four-leaf clover. Clover is Hydra's dish because it gives it strength, and as the clover inflates, Hydra looks scarier. Elves are a breed that, along with dwarves, most often appears in imaginary stories. They are not related to fairies, although I could deduce that from their name, but it is a completely different race. Although they live several times longer than us, when compared to humans they look fragile, but that means nothing because they have several special talents that make them much stronger than us.

Elves are on average slightly shorter and lighter than us, and their appearance varies from group to group. Just as we have people with light skin, those with dark skin, some have slanted eyes, and some are blonde, so do elves. What they all have in common is a slightly pale skin color, which is a bit strange because elves spend a lot of time in nature. They are skinny and not as strong as us, but that is why they are much more agile and faster. They dress in clothes whose colors allow them to hide quickly, so the most common color is a shade of green, because elves spend most of thei Elves have learned that it is very important to understand all the creatures they live with, be they good or evil, so they have learned the languages ​​of goblins, trolls, orcs, gnolos, gnomes and halflings, and of course they know the language of the people they live with. They always show interest in all the things that will help them understand the neighbors. The most important thing in the life of an elf is freedom, so although there are elf cities, most elves live in small groups. These smaller groups have their leader, and all these groups together have some king or queen to whom they are loyal to death. Their habitats are well hidden and guarded, and since elves are very good friends with animals, they help keep them, so if you see a few eagles flying together, there must be an elven habitat nearby. Elves live for several hundred years, so they think about the world completely differently than we do. We humans seem to them like beings who are always in a hurry somewhere, which amazes them endlessly. Because of their long life, elves love things that are long-lived like music and nature. This is why they love the company of other elves so they can talk about the things they love, but if they become friends with some being from another race, that friendship lasts forever. I can tell you a lot about elves, such as warrior elves and wizard elves, but some other time.

Elves are still invisible to all humans, except those with special abilities. It is a well-known and widespread belief that wherever an elf passes, it leaves behind a trail of fairy dust. Some explain this phenomenon by a certain form of natural fluorescent gas or some similar matter that elves pick up by passing from the world of fairies to the world of humans. Elves are known for very skillfully making objects from precious metals. Therefore, during the work for gold and silver, a trace of dust left during their processing remains on them. Unlike some types of fairies, elves do not have wings and do not fly, so every flight of elves can be attributed to magic or levitation.

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3 years ago
