Hello :) I'm Clifford from Philippines. I’m 17 years old. Someone introduced this website to me. I am glad because I can share my thoughts, feelings, and experiences anonymously.
I can't express myself verbally. But thankfully, God gave me this talent. Every time I am happy, upset, sad, and even in love, writing is my only companion. My pen and my journal don't leak my secrets.
In the meantime, I am working on a story. It's challenging for me because it's my first time to wrote a novel. I need to make it creative and worth to read. I need some help in criticizing my work. I believe that I have a lot of things to learn.
I am still a stranger but I hope, one day, we, strangers, will be friends.
PS: Sorry if I have grammatical errors haha. English is not my first language. Comment down below if you don’t understand something. I will be happy to clarify that 😊
Welcome. Happy writing.