Depression and laziness often go together, hand in hand.

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3 years ago

Each of us goes through a phase here and there when we are not given anything, when it is difficult for us to fulfill our daily obligations, when we simply do not have the will to live. Spring fatigue, fatigue before the holidays, fatigue after an extremely hard period in life, etc. is a normal phenomenon and the most common solution is a quality vacation.

If the state of apathy and laziness persists and becomes a pattern of behavior, it is time to take the situation seriously and take action. Causes of depression can be various traumas, stress or chemical changes in the brain. Lack of sunlight can cause depression - a condition called winter depression. The most common cause of not recognizing depression is the interpretation that it is just laziness. Laziness and depression go hand in hand. But laziness can go away on its own, and depression needs to be treated.

Holds a high fourth place in the rankings. It occurs in all walks of life, and a particularly vulnerable group are lonely individuals, the unemployed and people living on the edge of existence. Interestingly, a higher percentage of depressed people are younger people. Antidepressants, along with medications for heart disease and high blood pressure, are the most commonly prescribed medications worldwide.

People who like to socialize, people who are actively involved in sports, people who practice a hobby or volunteer in some humanitarian organizations are much less likely to fall into depression. It is also recommended to talk about yourself and your problems. Trusting a friend or professional, saying it and expressing your problem is sometimes half the solution. Therefore, do not shut yourself in and do not keep problems to yourself.

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3 years ago
