Sewing Notebook as a Part of My Sideline Before

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3 years ago
Courtesy: Shopee (for visual purposes only)

Sewing composition notebook is not easy as you were thinking. As I've mentioned through my past articles, I am sewing notebooks just to fully pay my phone which my mom gave to me. I know that some of you would say, "Sewing notebook is just easy. You can do it in an hour man," but is not true.

How am I sewing notebooks?

Disclaimer: That video is just for visual purposes only. I'm not the one who was sewing that specific notebook. Hence, the video is not mine.


  • I was Grade 8 when I started at sewing notebooks. Our mode of delivery of notebooks before was from house to house.

  • When I was Grade 9 up to Grade 10, our mode of delivery was from home to compound which is the supplier of the notebooks that we will sew and he using tricycle as his mode of transportation. The mode of delivery was from home to compound because I also have neighbors who was sewing notebooks.

  • He can't send from home to home since we only lived at a narrow space squatter area and we need to lift the boxes manually to our house.

How much I earned at sewing notebooks per box?

  • I'm sewing notebooks per box for the price of 40 pesos plus the cover by bundle (10×20) for only 5 pesos. Not bad.

  • If you would notice why it's only 40 pesos and it's because the sender (the one who was sending us box of notebooks) were needed to deduct the original price for his gasoline and personal needs.

Did you only sew one different style of notebooks or not?

  • My answer is not. The notebooks that were sending to us were randomly different from other manufacturers.

  • For example, IDOLS gave us a set of notebooks for this week then for the other month or a couple of days, HOTS would be the next and the design were differs at the season.

Is the price different from other notebooks?

  • It depends but it's often to be the same. The time that you would spend by different style were entirely different since the quality and size of notebooks are not all the same.

What is the different sets of notebooks that you already sew and how much per box?

Courtesy: Shopee
  • Plain Notebooks (200 pieces per box) - 40 pesos + 5 for bundle

  • Big Notebooks (100 pieces per box) - 20 pesos + 5 for bundle

Honestly, I didn't retrieve my real proof on how, when and where I sew my notebooks since I deleted it and I can't take it back from my trash bin.

I can't also exactly remember some the name of the manufacturers that were giving us a supply. I just remember the notebooks differs from color, multiple design and holes but I don't know the name.



This is the year when I started to sew some notebooks. I'm just noob that time and I can only sew 1 notebooks for about 5 minutes. I'm kinda slow as snail because I can't focus at that stuff. If you would tell how much I earn, I would say that I can only earn 40 pesos per box and I almost stuck at one day just to finish those piles.

My mother and I were only doing it for a single penny of money. It's just for fun and hobby but suddenly, the sender of notebooks said that he can't now send notebooks because of the number of boxes problem.

APRIL 2018

Lately, they said that ten or more boxes were nowhere to be found when they delivering the box and I think that's the reason of their bankruptcy of their business. They didn't check the number of boxes before they would sent or receive. That's their fault and not me being their workers.

JUNE 2018

It's a fresh day of class and it's over a month since we stopped sewing notebooks. My life was only school, watching YouTube and posting non-sense post on social media. I know that it's kinda boring but I have no choice.


My neighbor searched where we can get a box of notebooks that we can sew and she already found our passive source of income. If you were asking if who was that neighbor, then I would say that it is my mother's bestfriend.

In fact, that source that I had mentioned was the nephew of my previous sources of income. It means that our new source is related from our previous source.


I'm sewing notebook but I'm still improving at the speed that I can sew. My mother always edict me about my goal on how much notebooks that I need to sew then how much will be my profit for that time.

My time rate of notebook that I can sew is 20 notebooks per hour. I'm too lazy and slow that time because I can't focus to my craft honestly. Everytime I will sew, I'm always snoring continuously.

I always neglecting my mother if I could lessen the notebooks that I will sew then she always says that the talent fee of that notebook is actually be given to me to save my new phone.


My mother gave me her old phone because she will buy a new one with her savings from the total savings on sewing notebooks. Honestly, when we went to mall to buy a new cellphone, I should be the one who will receive the new phone.

Consequently, I must need to sew double or even triple to fully pay that phone but in the end, my mother will receive that new phone but it's kinda okay. I still need to sew notebooks doubler or even triple.

My father bought it by installment and he cost for around 20k but the original price of it was from 10k. How rude is it, right?


I used my old phone as my hotspot because the signal is not reached at inside my house. I top up my prepaid balance then I register to one promo then I will stream at my phone.

One time, I just listening to YouTube while sewing notebooks then I discovered that I can sew more when I am listening to music. I'm listening to my favorite songs and I just learned my new strategy on how I will sew more notebooks but consequently, the talent fee that I will earn will be directed from my mom.

It's okay though.

APRIL 2019

This is the year when we stopped at sewing notebooks because it's my time to celebrate my school vacation. Hence, my hands were relaxed and I realized that I will only play my cellphone all day long with no obligation.

JUNE 2019

This is the year when the school year starts and I could say that sewing notebooks while studying were really hard.

Hopefully, when our leader tells us about our practices about some academic stuff, I feel happy because this is my way to escape from sewing notebooks. Seriously, I want to sew notebooks rather than going to practice because I don't want to interact to my classmates.


I'm still sewing notebooks and my journey at sewing notebooks from the past years was not easy as you would expect.

I just can sew 100 notebooks in a day for about 6 hours but I can sew 200 notebooks in just 6 hours but it's too exhausting.

Sometimes, I just want to cry because I need to do my projects, group activities and sewing activities.

I remember that I catch a fever at the very beginning of October 2020 because I'm too tired from academic activities and my obligation being a son.

On the other hand, my mom said that the revenue that I will accumulate for the week will be shared by 50% and I said that it was better rather than the past few months.


The pandemic spreads throughout the world and because of that, my passive income were suddenly gone in just a snap so I have no choice but to switch at free data.

MAY 2020

The notebooks became again to trend in our community and because I have no classes, I can now sew two boxes per day which is about 80 pesos then it's my way to save and buy my favorite books.

Suddenly, our source said that he didn't from now on deliver notebooks because of pandemic since the class that year didn't resume yet.

Today, we moved here on province to continue my classes. Even though we stayed on Manila, I have still no passive income due to pandemic.

That's all. Thanks for reading.

$ 1.22
$ 1.07 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.15 from @tired_momma
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3 years ago


That's amazing! More blessings, more earnings and I pray you cans save more! 🥰

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thank you. Wishing you also that too

$ 0.00
3 years ago