Red thread

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Avatar for kentokiyo
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story

the legend says that we are joined by a red thread.

They have known each other forever.

They had the best of courtships,

they got along well,

they loved each other very much. unfortunately life wanted them to separate when they were young and with all the love ahead,

He had to go to another province with his family, she stayed.

Years later, they accidentally met again, both married.

They made a date that same night to relive their friendship and tell the stories of their lives when they were apart

They met that same night, they did not hide their emotion, they hugged and laughed, talked about their lives, their jobs, how their parents were, every time they looked at each other, they did not want to stop seeing each other, with each smile emanated the desire to kissing, until the least expected moment arrived, the ring of their fingers asked the questions: how and how long ago did they meet their partners? They were happy? Yes both are, both found love without looking for it, fell in love and got married, there wasn't much more, but the more they looked at each other, the more they understood that they were happy but incomplete ..

happy but incomplete, what did that mean? she dared to ask him:

-what are we doing?

-Just bringing us up to date- he answered

-Not what are we doing with our lives, I never forgot you- she said

He became serious, he looked into her eyes and said -me neither-

her eyes filled with tears and raising her voice she reproached him:

-So why did you never call me? Why did you disappear, I wanted to know about you, I needed to hug you, kiss you, but you were not there and I loved you!

After those words there was an eternal silence, until he calmly approached her, hugged her tightly and said:

-I never stopped loving you, but I had to let you go, it made me wrong to think of you, to love you madly and not hold you in my arms, we were not going to have a happy ending.

she looked him in the eyes and said - I know -

he couldn't see her cry, he never could, he brought her hand to her cheek to wipe her tears, looked at hers on her lips and couldn't resist the urge to kiss her, she kissed him too.

while kissing they remembered their childhood, their youth, the love they had, it seemed that the kiss would bring them back together forever ... but nothing lasts forever, old memories mixed with new ones, the faces of their partners appeared, the hugs, the laughs, the current kisses.

and at last that eternal moment that lasted a minute ended.

She looked away from her, he stopped hugging her.

They looked at each other for the last time, they knew it was late, that they could no longer do anything, that this was a goodbye.

-It's a shame it's late- he said

-I keep the memory of tonight, I can live with that- she said

This is how they realize that fate arrived late, when they saw each other that afternoon they did not know that they were going to curse time for having found them, but they could not do that to their current loves, despite everything they were not to blame and they loved them .

They gave one last kiss, and without saying anything, without saying goodbye, without wishing each other a good life, they turned around and began to walk away from the love of their lives, returning to their usual routine and cutting the red thread that united them.

the end

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$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for kentokiyo
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story
