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Avatar for kentokiyo
3 years ago
Topics: Writing, Story

That morning he got up like any other day, but something in him had changed, he did not feel well and he thought it was normal, after all the previous day he had had a peak of stress, he was very pressured in his work. and his body couldn't hold, he fainted and at the hospital they told him to try to rest for a few days, he had a lot of work but he was going to listen to the doctors.

He got out of bed, went to the bathroom and it seemed strange to him that when he entered the bathroom he did not decide whether to first brush his teeth or urinate, it was a momentary lapse but he said to himself: "first pee, then brush your teeth." Then he took a shower, and when he went to prepare breakfast he saw that there was nothing in his pantry, he remembered that since he worked so much he did not have time to do the shopping that week. When he was about to go to the market, he couldn't decide which coat to wear, the red one? the blue? He was 5 minutes until he said "I will wear red", again it seemed strange to him not being able to decide but he did not give it importance and went out to the street ...

am I going by car or walking? his mind was blank, he could not decide, he saw a friendly couple walking, greeted them and thought "the market is 5 blocks away and it is a beautiful morning to walk" and began his journey. On the way, he accidentally bumped into a person who was walking straight ahead, he couldn't decide whether to go right or left, he apologized, the other person reluctantly accepted him and continued on his way. He spoke to himself, he wondered what was happening to him, little by little worry flooded him, "Was it possible to lose the ability to decide? It was not impossible, I'm nervous about that and nothing else."

When he arrived at the market, he could not decide whether to take a basket or a cart, now he felt that his nerves grew more and more, he asked a lady what to do, the lady said "take the cart so as not to make an effort", he heard . He told himself that not being able to make simple decisions wouldn't stop him, it was something that was in his head and he resisted the urge to cry ... "it's just stress," he said.

He got carried away through the corridors, following people, he saw a box of green tea and he was going to grab it when next to that box he saw another box of yellow tea, his mind was blank again, his body was shaking, he could not do a simple decision! He remembered his Pilates classes that he took a few years ago, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, calmed down and thus without seeing he took one of the boxes, opened his eyes and saw that he had taken the yellow one. "Is that okay? Was it the correct one? I don't know! ”Her mind screamed. He looked around and saw people looking at him and he couldn't move, he quickly stepped out of that hallway.

He arrived at the perfume room, saw that there was shampoo, that morning he took a bath, but still he could not decide: "What shampoo should I bring? Dry hair? Anti-dandruff? Wildflowers or chocolate mint?" -He kneels in the middle of the hall, looks up at the sky and yells "Whyeeeeeeeeeeee?" People came to help him, he was crying, he was explaining that he couldn't make up his mind, people looked at him strangely, "What's wrong? Are you okay?" He was shaking, was it stress? Was it his nerves? He began to feel short of breath, his mind went dark and he woke up in the hospital again ...

Aboulomania, the doctor told me that I had this syndrome, maybe he woke up or it was caused by stress, it is still not clear, what I have clear is that I lost the ability to decide, I have to go to a person to decide for me, Today I start the treatment but I have not yet decided whether to wear the red or the blue coat ...

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @leejhen
Avatar for kentokiyo
3 years ago
Topics: Writing, Story


The story was very good. Maybe he is just hungry lol. All he need is relaxation a day off from his work a massage , a goodnight sleep and a lot of foods to energize his body and brain.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

hahaha yes sure, he has to lower the stress, thank you very much for reading¡

$ 0.00
3 years ago