quotation from Martin Luther King, Jr.

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3 years ago

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” says Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of the oppressed during the Civil Rights Movement. He urged the country to turn America into a land of freedom for all people and not just a specific group. In certain areas of the country, laws were in place that explicitly discriminated against African Americans and did not encourage them to participate entirely in American society. Martin Luther King encouraged white citizens to see the underlying hypocrisy of these acts and to strive for a country of racial unity.

Therefore, this quotation is especially important for white people who have found themselves in a position of relative comfort during this period. Martin Luther King says that character is judged not by what people choose to do to do when times are simple, and there is little conflict but by what they choose to do when they see injustice. Being neutral means siding with the oppressor as the intention of Martin Luther King was to eradicate racial discrimination in many ways, including public transport, housing, voting, and education. During this time, non-violent demonstrations and civil disobedience triggered several crises, prompting the government to interfere.

Nevertheless, courageous people are those who leave a place of personal comfort and deliberately chose to join a place of confrontation on behalf of others. Moreover, Life is full of barriers. Every one of us faces some hardship in our short time on this planet. It is not a matter of whether something will be thrown in our direction, but when. The real personal test is in the form of our response. How we cope with our challenges will expose our real character.The true personal test comes in the form of our response. How we handle our challenges will reveal our actual character.

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