The Covid-19 will leave its impacts even when it's gone. The organizations all around the world will be propelled towards change. The "Result Only Work Environment" may become preponderance in the organizations, as the primary objective of the organizations is to get desired results. The managers usually don't like ROWE as it is difficult for them to supervise their subordinates effectively. But it's not impossible, the managers must get trained to be efficient and effective in ROWE. A large proportion of the employees will also feel it difficult to be accustomed to ROWE and may deem it bizarre. They will also need the training to be at ease with the changed working environment.
The organisations will have to make sure that tech-savvy employees are hired. As we witnessed the issues organisations had to deal with in early COVID days. The organisations literally had to make their employees familiar with the technology to make them able to work. Every employee should be familiar with the latest technologies in order to be effective and efficient.
The Covid-19 will give impetus to the organizations to make Artificial Intelligence prevalent. AI has both pros and cons. It will make organizations efficient; on the other hand, the workforce will be reduced so does unemployment. But for a moment leave aside the outcome AI on society and let's be focused solely on the effectiveness and efficiency of the organizations. It will surely make things easier for the organizations but would SMEs be able to bring AI? The HR managers of SMEs will have to be astute and prudent in decision making because of the less resources. It is very difficult for an organization with less resources to adapt these many changes suddenly. In order to do so, HR has to be agile and astute.