Misconceptions About Lost Points in Read.Cash

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3 years ago

Note: I just want to release what's in my thoughts. No violent reactions please. ✌️✌️✌️ This post is not intended to offend anyone here in ReadCash. Just my own opinion. 😅

Good day ReadCash!! This early morning I experienced some glitch where my points are not reflected. I have seen posts about this and this morning was somewhat alike but not really.

In some cases, accumulated points paid and unpaid are lost (according to them - I will not mention names to give respect to the writers). In my case, the unpaid points only weren't there. Then I wondered but didn't say anything like my points were stolen or what.

I think there is no rule here to not post what's in my mind even if I have read previous points and comments about lost points. Actually, I read a lot. I understand every situation as long as I have plenty of time. I'm addicted to readcash in a few days time so I try to post anything whenever I have the spare time. I tried every suggestion I read in the comments and posts but it didn't work even if my Internet connection is good. That's why at that moment I wondered and I wrote it because I like to share what I see and how I felt. The purpose is to share what is being observed and not to catch others attention. Or cause panic to others. No, definitely not cause panic because the post didn't imply anything that would do so. We have different ideas, different opinions about some things.

Enough of the intros. So, let's talk about lost points. Someone posted her lost earnings and was worried about it. The admin immediately respondend to the issue. Then the next day another one posted same issue. I didn't read it. Then this morning I think I see two posts about not seeing their points, again. Then I observed mine is lost, too! So does this mean I don't have to post my issue, too? Well, honestly it's not to catch attention from the admin. It's just my personal thought.

By the way if you're experiencing something like this feel free to ask help from their support contact(sorry I can't find the link). Don't worry because your points cannot be stolen as long as you keep your seed phrase into safety. Never give it to anyone or lose it because you're not gonna retrieve it. Readcash already explained it, (again I tried searching for that post so I could paste the link but I couldn't find it).

As for my case, it might be some bug, a system glitch which lasted, I think, for 2 hours or more. Readcash might be working on something to improve or maybe having a little error fixing.

But no worries. I never felt worried or complained about it because my real purpose here is to have friends and at the same time improve my writing skills, not to demand for money.

Never complain guys because ReadCash isn't something that gives you salary because this is not a job. The points we earn is more of a bonus. Let us not demand for payment, instead be greatful if the payments are fast which never failed to happen. I know some of us are here to earn money but please do not write spammy posts for it. It will destroy the platform. Good thing the admins are working on to avoid things like these.

Let's all chill and enjoy writing. Enjoy our earnings as a reward for your hardwork. Enjoy it as long as it's there. Be greatful always. Thank readcash for being such a great platform.

Sending love to all! 😘😘😘

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Written by
3 years ago
