Bitso will donate $ 500,000 dollars to a pilot project of the Government of Gibraltar

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2 years ago
Topics: Donation

Bitso and RSK supported the use of government resolutions with blockchain technology from the government of Gibraltar, who will continue to develop new international standards for bartering digital assets.

The cryptocurrency exchange and Mexican unicorn, Bitso, will donate 500 thousand dollars to the Gibraltar regime for the use of an infrastructure pilot program with blockchain technology, which will be focused on public service resolutions.

This is how Gibraltar's Minister for Digital and Financial Services, Hon Albert Isola, described it:

"La espectacular contribución de Bitso es bienvenida, ya que su generosa donación al régimen de Gibraltar permitió que este emocionante plan se convirtiera en realidad y permitirá que este trabajo comience a principios de 2022. En este momento, el Régimen no comprometería fondos para este plan de otra manera. Se agradece la ayuda y el compromiso de Bitso con el desarrollo de Gibraltar como centro de innovación y estamos encantados de seguir adelante fortaleciendo nuestra interacción con ellos".

Gibraltar details that the initiative is based on optimizing the functionality of its "eGov" system, where they will seek to allow users to save certified credentials. To achieve this, it collaborated with Bitso and IOVlabs, the blockchain teams behind RSK, who helped for months with the HM Government to carry out the tactic.

In recent years, Gibraltar has positioned itself as the jurisdiction of choice for the most relevant blockchain organizations around the world, as it legislates from 2018 with Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), in which it is now working to produce new worldwide standards for bartering digital assets.

Gibraltar seeks to retain global cutting edge in blockchain

The Minister of Digital and Financial Services of Gibraltar, Hon Albert Isola, said that they have already started the digitization of several of their services from the beginning of the year and in their modernization they also used RSK Blockchain technology. The fund designated by Bitso will be used for payment to the technology provider in Bitcoin.

Bitso CEO Daniel Vogel refers the following:

"En Bitso, creemos que las áreas públicas y privadas tienen la posibilidad de trabajar juntas para producir resoluciones profundamente impactantes basadas en criptografía y blockchain. Estamos orgullosos de trabajar en estrecha colaboración con el régimen de Gibraltar para aumentar el uso de la tecnología en sectores industriales vitales. Gibraltar es un ejemplo fenomenal de entidades gubernamentales que adoptan el ecosistema criptográfico para mejorar un aumento más amplio de la sociedad de la que formamos parte, y Bitso está increíblemente orgulloso de ser parte de su cripto sociedad. "

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2 years ago
Topics: Donation
