Joy AND Miseries
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2 years ago
JOY comes and goes like Breeze, But miseries stick you like thorns. Until you realize, it's all your making. one must always wonder why though in comparison to one's moments of misery, moments of joy may hugely outnumber them. But, still the moments of misery in your life seem to have a more ruling dispensation over you. This is simply because the moment you say, you don't want something in your mind .well, that's what your mind starts doing .So what's been unpleasant for you what's been a bad experience for you somewhere you reject it in that rejection it becomes a constant repetitive force in your life. If you want to experiment just do this for yourself, in the next 30 seconds don't think of a monkey .The harder you try the more you will upon the monkeys. So this is the nature of your mind .If you say, I do not want something or you resist or reject something that will dominate your mind above all both pleasant and unpleasant situations what you making because all human experience happens within you and what happen within you is essentially your making. its your karma. This is what karma mean that means whatever you are experience right now is your making, What the world throws at you may not always be your choice but what you make out of it is 100 percent your choice when you exercise that choice you have taken charge of your karma and you are on the highway to liberation.
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2 years ago
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