What to do if the hobby smartphone is wet in water!

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Smartphones have become an important part of our daily lives. Without a smart phone, you feel more alone. If you have your smartphone, you think of yourself as both of them because the smartphone is your partner.

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If you don't have a phone or a smartphone, you can understand if you are sitting alone in a quiet place.
If you have a smart phone, if you have a smart phone, you can talk to different people, socialize on Facebook and other social media, you can enjoy watching videos on YouTube, it will remove the monotony of sitting in one place.

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Here are five great tips on what to do if your smartphone gets soaked in rain water or falls into the water.

1> If the smartphone gets wet, falls in water or rain water, then turn off your phone first. If your phone is on, it will turn off

2> Open the SIM cards inside the phone, open the memory and open the caching of your phone as much as possible.

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3> Catching battery memory storage space inside the phone, card storage space and wiping all the components inside with a dry cloth or tissue.

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4> Keep the phone to dry. Never put it in the hot sun or electric bulb or fire.

5 Dry in the gentle sun and when completely dry, pick up the phone and put it in your collection. Try to open the phone by inserting the battery SIM card memory in the phone.
If the phone does not open, take it to a nearby service point or to a mechanic and tell them about the phone damage and water leaks

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