A Reddit Moon Farming Update (technically part 3)

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1 year ago

Hello again. I have written two articles previously; one about farming xMoon on the subreddit r/cryptocurrency and a second one in continuation towards the flaws in the Moon system itself. Here is part 3 about how the points are still abuseable, because, you know, I abused them.

Step one is to make a new Reddit account via a differing IP to your main account, let it age a month, avoid the shadow ban filter, and get 50 comment karma on various subs; maybe post a little here and there and edit your profile settings/avatar to look legit. This is possible through VPNs and Tor browsers (but maybe set it so it's the same country each time for consistency).

Next part is tricky because you need to open your Vault, i.e., generate an associated ETH address to your account, which can only be done on the mobile App. I'm not exactly sure what info they grab when this generation happens, but from trial and error and warning, it's best not to open more than one vault on, say, your old iPhone, even if it's via a VPN. So where are you going to get disposable mobile phones? Well, luckily there is android shell software (like BlueStacks) you can download to 'play mobile games with' but can easily run the official Reddit app. This can be used to open vaults.

So we have our freshly made Reddit_altaccount_001, it's old enough and has enough comment karma to post on r/cryptocurrency, it's vault is open so come snapshot it can be airdropped xMoon, now let's rack up some karma shall we?

First rule. Don't post. r/CC has ruthless mods filtering the posts. Too many rules. Only three a day, topic limited (viewable via https://cclimits.herokuapp.com/), a history of being a very under upvoted sub, news links being already posted, karma limits for comedy posts, serious flairs, I could go on. Getting karma via posting is a nightmare, you will fuck up, you will get flagged, it's not a good KD ratio.

So that leaves us with commenting. Thanks to some bullshit CCIPs there is supposedly a 50 contribution limit per 24 hours, which I am not sure has been implemented, but if you look at the highest earning xMoon accounts in the last few month, you can see they limit their commenting to 30-60 comments within a 24 hour period, and often comment 5-10 times over a few hour intervals, like clockwork. The xMoon whale activity is a WHOLE other article that deserves way too much time; I'd have to go into the early distribution whales, test net and main net chain analysis, old mods who aren't anymore, past distribution controversies, current rates/issues....my lord. Let's get back to me squeezing a few more xMoons out of the app last month.

Commenting, 50 a day. I can bang that out in 45-90min on average.

You want to start your run commenting on the top comment on every post that is 'Rising'. It's the most visible and likely to catch wind. First you upvote it to give good will, then you meaningfully response by agreeing with them regardless of what they said; anti-state prostate taxes good taxes bad, you go with it because they see your response first so your upvote is in their hands; make them happy. Having been in this space for almost two years and being an advent reader, I know what people want to hear, so I give it to them. See my previous articles for what people want and do not want to hear. Further respect this 'Best' comment hierarchy; it scales multiculturally and generationally; for some reason people of all ages and cultures figured this is how the comment sections will be upvoted/not so there is no fighting it.

Delete all comments that get zero/negative votes. Downvote downvoted comments so they become 'negativity sinks' so your comment is avoided. If you're responses are good/clever/funny your upvote average will be over 1, netting you 50+ karma a day. Reward and upvote your comments occasionally via other alt accounts to boost visibility. A safe untouched comment can be left on 2+ day old posts.

In the 3-4 weeks, I racked up about 1800 comment karma, about 64 points a day, amounting to 2518 xMoons (and some xBricks but who cares). With xMoons trading at $0.06 a pop, and after multiple swap fees, draining the wallet netted me 0.00643403 BTC ($109.79).

If I didn't sell and continued to comment daily in the same manner, come next distribution I would be awarded even more due to extra retention points, but my M.O. has always been to cash out immediately. This means I will need to use a new account each month, and have multiple aging on the back burner. This becomes harder to manage the more you've exhausted your VPNs and android shell software. The new Reddit ToS and their shadow banning is also getting trickier to dodge.

Anyways, doing the math, 1.5 hours a day, for 28 days, is 42 hours, my $ total divided by 42 gives me roughly $3 an hour, which doesn't sound like much, but done from the comfort of my couch in the evening while watching TV, and an ability to appreciate a long term hack value, I think it's worth it.

Whether or not I continue to play this game, only time will tell.

$ 0.00
Avatar for jxntb733
1 year ago
